Learn How to Read Music Using Mnemonics! (Treble Clef)


Intro: Learn How to Read Music Using Mnemonics! (Treble Clef)

The Mnemonic Method uses simple sayings to help you remember the order and names of notes.

STEP 1: Intro

I had originally written this guide as an aid for my piano students, thus I have kept it short and simple. Enjoy!

I also have an instructable posted for reading notes in the bass clef.

STEP 2: Reading Notes in the Treble Clef

Music is written on something called a staff. It has 5 lines and 4 spaces.
The Treble Clef is generally used to show notes that are played with the right hand. The notes on the treble clef are usually found on the middle to right side of the keyboard.

STEP 3: Staff and Treble Clef

This is how the staff looks like with the treble clef positioned on it.

STEP 4: Treble Clef Spaces

The notes on the spaces spell out FACE.

STEP 5: Treble Clef Lines

The notes on the lines spell out 'EGBDF'. Now how do you remember that? Using an mnemonic!

Elephants Get Big Dirty Feet'

The first letter of each word spells out 'EGBDF'.

STEP 6: Leftovers

There are two important leftover notes that are often used in beginner piano. These two notes are known as Middle C and D.


Thank you very much.
This was very useful for me
This was very useful for me!!!! Thank you very much!
I reckon the best way to learn is through repetition. I've made a game that really helps with note recognition and playing on piano. You can play it at :http://martypapa.blogspot.com/2009/06/fast-keys.html
Hope it helps!
Why do you need mnemonics to remember these? If you put the lines and spaces together, you get a-g repeating. It's easy to remember "efgabcdef" if you remember to start with e.
Wurd some of us really need the mnemonics. Personally I'm really stoopid and they help! Learning Music is one of the most difficult things I've ever done because of ADD, but the simple "every good boy does fine" works over and over lol... Someday I'll be able to recite both staffs, all notes. Until then, be a good boy, and do fine!
Yeah, mnemonics can be quite helpful. I just find that the teaching of music is fraught with unnecessary and artificial complexity. But maybe I'm wrong because I know very little of music theory. I just don't understand why you'd do the lines and spaces separately since you end up needing to know both.
Bass clef lines "Groovy Boogie Dudes Find Action" Bass clef spaces "All Cows Eat Grass"
this was helpful thanks
I used Every Good Boy Does Fine for EGBDF
Yes, it doesn't really matter what you use! :) I prefer elephants when I'm teaching students, just to keep things gender-neutral.
I'll see what I can do. :) Glad you like it!
I was taught "Every Good Boy Deserves Favours"
I was taught 'Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge', and I think that's the norm - however I've decided to teach a gender-neutral saying to my students, just in case they take it the wrong way. It doesn't really matter what you use! :)
>It doesn't really matter what you use! I agree! It's interesting how sayings like this differ from country to country. I'm sure there's a essay in that somewhere.
i learned it as 'every good boy does fine'
Elephants get big dirty feet! Hahah... It's funny. Thanks.