Life Size Robot Prop


Intro: Life Size Robot Prop

Liza Trainer has come up with some pretty awesome stuff over the years. Here is one of her many creations that start, not surprisingly, with a simple idea. Enjoy :).

Alright guys, I see the problem. No, I am not plagiarizing, Liza is a friend, and she asked me specifically to put this project on this website. I would not take something without asking and would never plagiarize her work. The link above is to her website, the link here is to the forum post of her asking me to post the project online. Finally, here is the forum post about the project. Enjoy.

STEP 1: Da Feet

First she created the feet, very simply, as you can see below.

STEP 2: De Legs

Next, she added more of the legs and gave it a human sitting look.

STEP 3: Ze Body

Here she added a torso and some arms, and filled out the "sitting" look even more.

STEP 4: Color

Then she painted the robot with a pretty simple camouflage paint job.

STEP 5: Details

Some final painting and detailing make it look more worn and used, it even looks almost burned in a couple of places now.

STEP 6: Finito!

The final image of the completed head,with details and paint and good looks, oh my!

And that's how she does it, folks ;). Just use your imagination and be creative, any old piece of junk can be fitted to the body of a robot somehow, be it plastic tubes or old wire, or a little sticker. It's your job to figure out what else it could be, in your imagination. Good luck.


I hate to have to point out the obvious, but this is not a robot.
 Amen, this is not a robot.  A robot must respond to stimuli, and this just sits there. That is why it is titled a "prop." Still, it looks nice. Good work!
is to, or you could call it a droid?
"is to"? (sigh) No, these are not instructables for a robot, a droid, or even a remote controlled prop. As the author said, it is a life size prop. In fact, it is a great life size prop. With that said, the title implies that these are instructables for making a robot, which is the reason I clicked on the link. This prop can do nothing on its own except maybe fall down, which would be due to gravity more than anything else. I would like to see the instructable on making a life size robot! Still, it is a great life size prop. I just object to the misleading title.
The original title didn't say it was a prop and that was what a couple of us were objecting to. Currently it says "Life Size Robot Prop" which is a better descriptive title.
You're fighting sea of stupidity in a dinghy. You're fighting a losing battle, against the moronic, my firend. Please, just stop encouraging them, and shake it off.
ok, it is asom, and dos not move,but i would still call it a robot
I'd call it a robot prop - this isn't a robot, still quite awesome, but not a robot :)
Thank you Eirinn! I sure wish Runeshai would change the title of this from "Life Size Robot" to "Life Sized Robot Prop." This Instructable is simply misnamed. Good Instructable, just misnamed.
Well it's kinda of like making a origami tomato and call it a tomato - it's not, it's a tomato made out of paper and people wanting to put it in their salad would get disappointed. Pretty silly analogy, but same thing.
The point was to create a prop for a movie. It didn't have to be functional, though its creator has made some functional robots in her past (I'm not the creator, but she asked me to post this here. You can find her work at
do you mean texting?
I've had quite a few people point out that the picture above is just a robot from Star Wars. Yes, I know. However, since how-tos are in step-by-step format, and they often involve reference pictures, then if you actually followed this how-to, you'd notice that this was in fact a reference picture and that the rest of the steps demonstrate how to make your own, different and original, life-size robot. Please pay attention to what it is you're actually looking at before you start flaming it.
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