

This instructable will talk about how to make a ammo box survival kit that is completely waterproof, fairly packable and very useful. Hope you will use it!

STEP 1: Gear Ties

These help to secure your gear or ammo box wherever. The figure 9 is very helpful for securing ropes: you can purchase them fairly cheaply on ebay.

STEP 2: Radio and Survival Gear

Sunscreen and bug spray are both essential to outdoor adventures of any kind. Keep yours filled! I also have a compass for navigation and a small multitool.

The radio is crank powered, and has a siren and bright flashlight on it too. I use it all the time.

STEP 3: Knife and Sharpener

A knife is an ESSENTIAL tool to have in the outdoors. I usually keep this one in my box and a pocketknife in my pocket or bag. A sharpener in case it gets dull.

STEP 4: Firestarting

I have here a waterproof tin of matches and some wax saturated cardboard firestarters. The starters themselves are waterprrf, so they start even in rain. I WILL BE DOING AN INSTRUCTABLE ON THE FIRESTARTERS LATER so feel free to check it out.

STEP 5: Flashlights

Flashlights and light sources are very important, as they have many uses. I like to keep at least 3 with me so that I CANNOT possibly be without a light source. Setting up a shelter is hard without light!

STEP 6: Extra Gloves and Bandanas

This will be useful if you find yourself hot or cold. Many a time have my first gloves gotten wet, and these saved my life (or at least my hands). Bandanas can also be tied to things extending out back of your car, or used to splint.

STEP 7: First Aid

This is super important!! A good first aid kit can save your life in some situations! Here is a quick synopsis of what's in mine:

Bug spray (more)
Sunscreen (I told you you could not have enough!)
Band aids
Neosporin (spray and cream)
Emergency blanket
Toilet paper!!!
Butterfly stiches

Depending on your situation, you may need more or less.

STEP 8: Paracord

WHAT CAN'T you use paracord for??? There's an entire catagory dedicated to it!

Shelters, fishing, traps, weapons, gear tie, hammock, emergency lasso, sail rigging, ANYTHING!

STEP 9: The Box

I chose an ammo box for several reasons.

- they are very incredibly sturdy. Solid steel!!!
- they are cheap, I got this one for $8 at our local surplus store.
- 100% waterproof. I have thrown it in a river, it floats.
- packable, sqare shape
- look cool!

Hope you enjoyed this instructable, if so please vote for me in the contest! Thanks!


Also remember to pack a couple of Tampons can be used for puncture wounds.
What about using vinyl ammo boxes from an Army/Navy instead? Lighter of course, not as sturdy, but waterproof.

this is pretty smart! never thought of using an ammobox for something like this, ive got one myselfe, (5.56x45) probably just as big. il pack mine when i have the chance!

I think all .223 ammo tins are the same size.

Also, I would get a new knife. That one looks like it quit 50 years ago, died 30 ago and became a zombie 20 ago LOL

this is pretty cool. but in the medical stuff, i recommend adding a bottle of super glue. it doesn't sound very helpful, but is much more effective than bandages at holding together, sealing, and waterproofing (thereby bacteria proofing) a wound. Just slather a little antibiotic ointment on the wound then super glue it so it's sterile, clean, and sealed. it also forms a hardened cover so hitting the wound won't hurt as much

Your saturated cardboard i will be posting another option "Hope it helps"

Ammo box prep kits are awesome! I have one in my house, in my van, in the camping trailer and once I move into my new office, I will have one there, too. Each one customized for its intended purpose. All have food, water, first aid and light sources.
Those in the car and trailer have fishing and snare tools,
In the office there are extra lights and batteries (because the whole office could be without power and need light), a fresh pair of socks (in case my feet get wet coming in on a rainy day) and a sewing kit to replace a button that might fall off 10 minutes before an important meeting.

The one for the car has a few essential tools and a bunch of zip ties, a toilet kit (roll of TP, small shovel and recycled grocery bags), baby wipes (they clean everything) and some flares. In

Of course, there are other items, too. The trick is to make each kit up for where you will be. When someone asks me for advice about making up a kit, I tell them get a pocket sized notebook and a pencil. When you are in any situation where you need something you don't have, write it down. The note book will tell you what to add, as it is a good reminder of what you need, why you needed it and how often it came up .If it comes up a lot, you should carry it with you. Less frequently, keep it close by. Randomly or once in a long while, keep it in the prep kit

In general this is a really great instructable, i will use these ideas! However, wound care is really easier than one would think.

NEVER use alcohol or peroxide on a wound! They are toxic to tissue and not good cleaners.

The best and most important thing one can do for a wound is wash it out with water and, if available, soap. Drinkable water if fine, sterile or saline is not needed. Many people are allergic to neomycin or bacitracin, plain white pertolatum (Vaseline) has been shown to be as good for wound protection.

(Eagle scout and physician with 35 years practice)

Toilet paper can be too bulky and you might run out of it. I prefer having a couple of washrags to make sure I keep my a-hole really clean so it doesn't get sore or itch when I don't get a real good cleaning with paper. A sore or itchy a-hole can be a real drag. The washrag can be rinsed repeatedly and you can always boil them if you are too concerned with them getting too soiled. A couple of clean sterile washrags can be used to clean a wound or other injuries and can be used to pack a large wound.

i too find them use full there are also many different types and sizes -i keep my stove and mess tin tin opener natto k.f.s. and tea coffe oxo etc. -i have yet to find a mug that will fit but i use the smaller mess tin -all fits in side -just keep a gallon off water outside -well usefull i have used it on many occasions -i also have my 2 oz backy tin with me -these ammo boxes are well usefull i was thinking off buring the rubber seal off and paint and useing it as an oven

Maybe you could just leave it half full of bullets too, that would be useful! :-)
love this!!! I'm making these for Christmas presents for all my kids (yeah...I'm that type of mom...).
I would put some fishing line and a few hooks in there. A guy made an instructable where he used heat to seal stuff inside sections of (McDonald's or larger like Pixi) straws like salt or rolled up emergency money.

i thought you were going to forget the toilet paper.

Love the use of the ammo box. I've used them for geocaching but never thought to make an emergency kit. Awesome idea.