Make Mini Bluetooth Bass Speaker at Home


Intro: Make Mini Bluetooth Bass Speaker at Home

Hi readers in this project I made a 3D printed mini Bluetooth speaker that has powerful bass, The Bass is so powerful to its size that it can move the entire speaker when it is flipped upside down as you can see from the images.

The image shows the power of bass and now you can imagine what you can expect from this project!

I made this speaker so small to make it portable and fit any small pocket, The speaker is rechargeable and connects all your devices like mobiles, tablets, and computers.

I recommend trying to build this project as we have many holiday seasons coming up, Build an army of these speakers and show it to the people who will finally be impressed by the performance.

To begin with, let us talk about making the 3D-printed frame for this speaker

STEP 1: 3D Design and Printing

The Complete design for this project was made with Tinkercad Application, All you have to do is just visit and begin designing.

After the model was complete I exported the design to the slicer, These were the settings I used to print the model.

The parts do not need any supports or rafts while printing and the print time is less than 1 hour for both the parts.

I have given the STL files of this model below, you can print them with the same settings that I used.

STEP 2: Circuit Building

The circuit that I used in this speaker is given on this circuit sheet, to make it clearer I have placed the components on the circuit diagram so that even a complete beginner would get an idea of making the circuit connections.

To establish the connection between the components I used pieces of wire and soldered them to the terminals.

Since we are using small components make sure to be careful while soldering.

Now we have the complete electronic circuit ready and you can switch on the button for testing, If you hear the power on sound from the speaker the circuit is flawless and we can proceed with the next steps.

Simplify this circuit with a PCBComplete your electronic projects in the best way from PCBWay

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Check Here for Rigid-flex Pcbs with this your circuit becomes flexible! i have added the images on this step kindly check

I bet you have not seen anywhere such assembly capabilities.

STEP 3: Casing the Components

The electronic circuit has to be cased well so that the connections do not touch each other, This is made possible with the help of a 3D printed speaker case, Even though the model looks simple it is designed by keeping the electronic component sizes in mind.

The design I made occupies 100% of the space inside it! So you can say this is the least amount of size the speaker can have by considering the sizes of the components.

Start by placing the charging board at the bottom of the case, then the Bluetooth module upon the top of this I placed the sound amplifier board.

Once all these are kept in their place the speaker comes on the top and for this, we have to seal the top portion of the lid and later glue the speakers.

The final result of this step is shown in the last image, This almost completes our project and i cant wait to test this speaker.

STEP 4: How to Connect

This is no different from connecting a normal Bluetooth speaker.

Switch on the Bluetooth from your smartphone or laptop or Tablet and search for the devices to make sure the speaker is turned on.

The device's name is 3.0 and click on the connect option, Ola! The speaker is now connected to the device and is ready to play some music.

This gives the best sound output with boosted music, You need not worry about the playtime as we are using a rechargeable battery that can be charged from any USB device.

STEP 5: Video of Bass Speaker Working

This video contains the above mentioned written steps but in the form of a video so that those who were not able to understand a few steps can directly refer, Also I have captured the bass of the speaker in detail don't forget to check that in the video.

Thank you for your time in reading these Instructables, have a good day, and all the best in building this project.


How could it be using the left and right audio channels through only one speaker, to have both signals from stereo music, just in case only one speaker is wanted?. In this case, the left audio channel is ignored. So some parts of some music can't be heard. We can't connect (-) L-out to (-) R-out directly because the IC will burn ou. Ok. That's part of the specs of this kind of amp circuits. But, what if we don't want to lose any of both audio channels signals and we don't want to use two speakers? Maybe something like (out L-) to resistance to (out R-) and (out L+) to (out R+)? Maybe (out L-) to (SPK-), (out L+) to resistance to (out R-), and (out R+) to (SPK+)? Thanks in advance for your help!
here since we are using only one speaker connect any either r or L for this speaker
Could you expand please on the loudspeaker unit. I've never seen anything like that and don't know what to hunt for - and also its charteristics.
i got it from my old phone, you can just head over to local electronic shop and get it
Many thanks for the link - those rectangular speakers are something I haven't come across before.
To avoid the risk of short circuits, I advise putting a sheet of insulating material between the circuit boards, even moderately thick card would work.
Thanks, Will keep this in mind next time :)