Make Multicolor Crayons


Intro: Make Multicolor Crayons

Do your kids have a bunch of old crayons that now go unused due to their small size? Dont want to throw them out because you just bought them last week? My mom is a first grade teacher and I recently saw a large bowl full of half-used crayons in her classroom that had supposedly been growing in numbers for a few years. I got the idea to turn these unwanted stumps into some new crayons that the kids might enjoy.

What You Will Need:
-- some crayons
-- a microwave-safe container
-- some foil (or any shaped mold you want to use)

STEP 1: Make Some Rainbow Goo

Get together all of the crayons you can, and start breaking them apart. Make sure there are no pieces bigger than about a quarter of an inch long - the smaller the better. Once you have a bunch of crayon chips, find yourself a microwaveable safe container (I used paper cupcake inserts) and toss in all of the bits. It is probably smart to cover this with a paper towel, just so you dont come after me if you happen to have a rainbow explosion in your microwave.

Toss them in the microwave and turn it on high for about 3 minutes. It may take more or less time depending on the amount that you melt, how big your container is, etc. In case you hadn't guessed, this mixture is going to be hot when you microwave it, so be smart. You may need to stir the mix to make sure that it is all melting, but be careful not to over-stir or you will blend all of the colors together and just end up with some ugly green/black crayons.

STEP 2: Welcome to the Mold

Once you have a nice, gooey concoction, its time to bust out those molds. You can get creative here, it all depends on what shape you'd like to have rainbow crayons in. Anything that has depressions in it or is open on only one end can be used. I decided to make crayon shaped molds out of alumium foil because it is easy to get the wax out once it cools, I wanted them to be easy for kids to use, and I had plenty sitting around the house.

If you decide to use the foil idea, just grab a pen or a crayon (if you happen to have any left) and use a few square inches of foil to wrap around it, making sure to fully cover the bottom and sides however high up you want the crayons to be. Next, grab a funnel (you can make one out of foil if need be), or think of another way to easily pour the crayon solution into your molds. Once they are full, stick your molds into the freezer to cool/dry them. You can just leave them out to dry, but it will take longer. A few minutes later (I would say 5 just to be safe) you can take out the molded crayons, peel away the foil being careful to make sure that the wax has fully hardened, and tah dah, you've got some rainbow crayons.

(Sorry about the quality of the pictures - they do look better in person)


Thanks it caught on fire

Omg I made a heart sooo pretty thanks for showing<3

Wax does not dry, it *freezes* when it gets below its melting point of over 110°F.

Muffin size crayons are fine for preschoolers. I have purchased soap molds on sale, (when they're on super clearance) and have made crayons in those. Peace symbols, elephants, turtles----great for many ages! A few metallic crayons, glitter crayons or other "specials" adds a nice touch. I believe you could use ice cube trays, as well, and they come in different sizes and themes. I bought one that makes ice to put in water bottles---sort of a long crayon shape. Have not tried them yet, but they were cheap enough to get and try in the future. If that works, mini size ice cube trays would be a great size for a toddler's grip.
It didnt work. I placed the cupcake liner on a plate and the plate broke.
Why don't you try casting in a paper tube. Just wrap paper around a pen tightly and secure it with glue so it will slide along the pen easily. Slide it up the pen, leaving about an inch still on the pen and do your pour. When it's set, slide it all the way off with the wax inside it and trim off the empty end. You can put a point on the crayon with a pencil sharpener.
That's a really good idea, I hadn't even thought of that!! It would solve th size problem, Thanks!!
Kids... um, YEAH! My KIDS have lots of used up crayons... Thanks for the ideas! (Being a kid every now and then keeps me young and sane)
Great idea! I was wondering if those silicone muffin pans would make a good mold? Melt right in the mold, let them cool, pop them out. The end result would probably be too big, though. They'd be flat disks or muffin shaped depending on the amount of stuff you started with. Maybe there is a mini-corn muffin pan, i.e., a long, thin shape? Those molds are things are expensive, too. Just thinking out loud. You need to practice holding the camera VERY still. You probably have to prop it up against something. But the directions are good without the photos. (Now. Where is that bucket of old crayons?)
Big crayons would be great for toddlers anyway, so I personally think that would work. Or melt onto a big sheet pan and cut with cookie cutters when it's still warm... The possibilities... >.<
bettter then buying that one crayon re-melter
those are sorta pricey arn't they and they just do what people did in the oven years ago
Thinking about it, kingsize cigarette papers would be ideal; they have glue already on them and they're super thin.