Making a Cyborg Arm for Design Night (in Autodesk Gallery)


Intro: Making a Cyborg Arm for Design Night (in Autodesk Gallery)

(This is for Tim, an awesome Artist in Residence and a fantastic friend. I hope our paths meet again)

When I was invited to the Design Night (about DIY) in the Autodesk Gallery, my first thought was "what will I wear?". So I took an all time favorite classic and I gave it a party twist. And I'm talking about my old cyborg armor.

Ladies and Gentlemen: I give you my Cyborg Arm, Mark 4, denomination "Party Crusher".

What are the improvements?
  • More ergonomic: lighter, softer in the inside and with a better handle.
  • More portable: It's smaller than the previous versions, but big enough for a good impression.
  • Easier to make: Its design was simplified.
  • Cool cup holder: Now you don't have to remove your cyborg arm for drink a shot. Why using your bare hands when you can drink with style?

So, I took a bunch of e-waste and plastic trash and started this project. At the end, I got an interesting piece that was the atraction of the party. It's a shame I don't have the video when I went up to the DJs scaffold and he played "Intergalactic" of Beastie Boys...

STEP 1: Materials and Stuff

I used the following stuff:
  • 1 pair of plastic skis for children
  • 2 laptop power adaptators
  • 1 electric screwdriver
  • 2 4in x 5/8in mending braces
  • 8 corner brace inside L (2in. x 5/8in.)
  • 2 corner brace inside L (1in. x 1/2in.)
  • 1 4AA batteries holder
  • 1 damaged emergency flashlight (big enough for housing your hand)
  • 1 big Thermo's cap
  • 1 damaged tower fan
  • 1 damaged baby stroller (I used the bottle table and some tubes)
  • 1 damaged plastic table set for babies (I used the front support)
  • black plastic junk pieces
  • Nuts, screws and bolts
  • Iron washers
  • Wire
  • Superglue (cyanoacrylate)
  • Cellulose sponges
I made a Cyborg Eye, too. I used the following stuff:
  • Damaged digital camera
  • Red LED
  • 1 330 Ohm resistor
  • Wire
  • 1 2 AA batteries holder
  • Tiara from a Wild Planet exploration glasses
  • Flat wire or a black rubber band.


Dremel Rotary Tool
Wire cutters
Screwdriver kit
Soldering Iron

And don't forget:

1. If you don't have it, replace it!
2. Use protective equipment (dust mask and goggles)
3. Beware of drilled and soldered hot surfaces
4. Work in a good ventilated area.
5. Always have junk in stock.
6. Have fun.

STEP 2: Transforming the Skis Into Pincers

I took the skis and removed the bent front part. Depending of the size of your cyborg arm, you can use each ski as a pincer or just segments. I used half of each ski. I put these together with paper tape, so I could modificate each one at the same time.

I filleted one of the thick edges and drilled a hole. This will be the spot where I will attach the pincers to the arm.

STEP 3: Hacking the Electric Screwdriver

I took a Black & Decker electric screwdriver and I cut it in two separated parts: the gearbox (for the pincer open and close movement) and the handle (for grabing the cyborg arm and actuate the gearbox).

STEP 4: Installing the Gearbox

I grabbed the Thermo's cap and removed the center pieces. Then I made a big hole for gitting the gearbox, attaching it in the center with small corner braces.

From the baby stroller, I cut a piece of metallic tube and I attached it to the axis. I drill holes on each end for attaching the mending braces that move the pincers.

STEP 5: Mechanics

I attached the pincers to each side of the Thermo's cap using corner braces, bolts, nuts and washers. Then I connected these to the axis tube using mending braces. The result: depending of the direction of the gearbox axis rotation, the tube extends or gather the mending braces, opening or closing the pincers.

STEP 6: Arm Housing

I took the fan (it had two sections. I used one and I keep the other for another project) and the flashlight and I removed everything inside that can incommode my arm. I removed the handle of the flashlight, too. Then I made a hole in the back of the flashlight, big enough for fitting the gearbox. The, I attached the pincers to the flashlight, housing the gearbox in the flashlight hole.

STEP 7: Installing the Handle

I took the screwdriver handle and I adapted it to the glove. I had to cut in the bottom for fitting to one of the flashlight pillars, and had to install half case of a power adaptor to the top of the handle. Then I attached it using screws. I connected the handle control wires to the gearbox wires, and prepared the power wires for connecting these to the batteries holder.

I glued cellulose sponges in the rough parts of the glove, for a more comfortable handgrip.

STEP 8: Arming the Arm

At the end of each pincer, I installed a power adaptator case for a better grip.

For covering the hole left when I removed the flashlight handle, I used the case of a digital organizer.

Then, I attached the flashlight to the fan case, using corner braces.

STEP 9: The Cupholder

The plastic culpholder from the stroller have two functions: beverages holder and box for the batteries holder. So I attached it to the cyborg arm, and installed the batteries holder inside the cupholder box.

I attached one pillar from a baby table, giving a bulky aspect to the arm.

STEP 10: Painting

I sandpapered the cyborg arm and then painted it with Krylon Stainless Steel Finish.

STEP 11: Details in Black

When the paint dried, I made two pads for the pincers, cutting pieces from a damaged tablet case. I attached some black plastic pieces too, for a better contrast with the steel paint.

STEP 12: Cyborg Eye

I made a quick Cyborg eye using a damaged digital camera. I removed the circuits and installed a red LED in the lens. Then, I soldered the 330 ohms resistor to the shortest terminal (-) of the LED and the I soldered a long wire from the LED to a 2 AA batteries holder (for keeping in the pocket). I attached the camera to a tiara from a Wild Planet toy, and then I attached a flat wire to each end of the tiara, for keeping the cyborg eye in my head.

When I finished, I was ready for party!


It's totally awesome so yeah
buen diseƱo .............
awesome project! If I use this in one of my movies, I'll credit you and send you the link.
I know that's awesome and any one can build it with money, time, and the right parts
How much did this cost you
Time: one week.
Money: I don't know. Maybe $20 in bought materials. The rest was found on the street or the garbage.
this is a must build
Thanks Pat! And is not so complicated!
Hello! The Autodesk social media team loved your project so much that we included it in a post we created on BuzzFeed. Check out your work featured here:

If you have any questions, please contact me at

Blake Menezes
Autodesk Social Media Strategist
Thank you very much, Blake! It's awesome!!! And it's an honor for me to be included in your post :-)

My e-mail is, but you can find me on Pier 9.

Have an amazing day!


Mario Caicedo-Langer
Artist in Residence
Does anyone need an operation?
you are a wild a d craaaaaazy guy! well done, love the use of salvage toys etc and the best though is the idea of the electric screwdriver to get a low speed gearbox!
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