Making of Wall-E the Robot


Intro: Making of Wall-E the Robot

As you can tell, my project was simple yet complicated; all parts and designs were created from scratch. In matter of weeks, I was able to design, produce, and assemble the hundreds of pieces.  Being that I was working on a low budget school environment, I was only able to access school machinery and available woods but I am sure that if you plan on replicating this project, it will come out much nicer. My goal here was just to show you guys my first robot project ever!

1: All parts started out with a few mere sketches that were later designed and given proper dimensions in a computer generated animation in an open source program called blender. As you can see in the (blueprint) pictures, I first designed 3d meshes from scratch and rendered them in 2d to achieve the blueprint effect. After creating the pieces, I created an animation on how all of the parts came together

2: Dealing with the mechanical problems was the biggest set back. Due to lack of support, one of the sides of the old track system  was going off balance, so I created a brand new (better) type of track system.

3: Creating and assembling was perhaps the simplest task. Since I had my designs ready, all parts came together very well. My controller called EZ-robot bluetooth controller, greatly aiding in programming the parts. In the end, I was able to wirelessly control the servos and sensors with a joystick connected to my laptop. (sensors include a speaker, LEDs, and switches) (moving servos acted as a switch to power the track's movement and direction)

p.s. If you wish to see my model files, here is a link to download them ---- Wall-E Blend Files.rar
p.p.s there is also a website I created (from scratch) which gives more information on this project ---- PROJECT WALL-E


(great ratings are always appreciated)


I thought about Wall-E and decided to make him. I found this through a Google Search, and thank you for your ideas and everything! I am excited about building one of my own, and perhaps created one that compacts trash like the real Wall-E.

This gave me the idea and push to build my own, cheers.

This is inspired me to do something in this category lol
I like things complex
Great Project, love the designs
I bet it would come out as a pretty great 3d print
blend files are AWESOME!!!
you should give out the files in obj format though, not everyone has blender
that's a LOT of pieces!
yeah, that's why i made a die for the links (for tracks)
I like the animations, the last one must have taken hours to render
actually yes, it did, there were so many layers (colors for each object) and i was trying to render in hd
Love the video logs
great project
Pretty big project for a beginner
That's a pretty smart solution that you came up with for that tracks
I have an EZ-B myself, great for wireless control
He's cute. The pictures and video in this project are the same as your other one, what makes this one different?
thanks, I worked really hard on this (my first robot project ever!)

well the old thread is more of an instructional one (for those who plan to recreate my designs) and this one is more of a show case type of thing (just for viewers to see what I made)

i plan on fixing the tracks i didn't use and using them to create a mini tank (coming soon)
if you like my thread, please vote for me in the 3d design contest
nice! very cool videos too. It would be great to see this in step by step format, are you thinking of doing that at some point?
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