Making Your Own Language


Intro: Making Your Own Language

So you seen James Cameron's "Avatar" and was fasinated that he and Frommer had created a fully functional language, or maybe you are writing a book and wanted the same.......or maybe you just wanna drive your friends and family nuts (unless your teaching them) by talking in a foreign tongue, well no need to worry.....*we do not live in the Dark Ages so people shouldn't beleive you are possesed*.

I have found a site that may explain somethings i do not and will be able to help you with the Grammar of your language.

So some things we will have to do are as follows:
-Alphabet (doesnt have to have english characters)
-Word Creation
-and what ever else you think will help make this unique

I am of no way held responsible for anything that may or may not happen to you using your own language........i dearly apologize if you are abducted by 9 ft tall blue people, get slapped by your girlfriend cause of mistranslation or if you are beleived to be possesed by your Crazy Great Aunt......please use these tools responsibly.

now then, lets move on......

STEP 1: The Alphabet

Haha this part is quite literaly easy as abc.....
All you have to do is choose how many vowels you want, how many constanants you want and write/draw out the symbols.  In Frommer's Na'vi there are words with two characters instead of one like "aw" or "kx" these can be created to make one letter (vowel or constonant) for your language.Note this can vary the complexity of your Language, for example: in english "c" and "k" can both make the same sounds and "c" and "s" can make the same sounds so the need for "c" is not entirely needed. It can also vary the complexity in that you can have one letter for every sound you can think of or maybe some, like "c" can share sounds.....with that in mind you could have a 100 letter alphabet or mabey only a 15 letter alphabet, what ever you decide.

I know this seems like a lot so take your time and when your ready continue on.........

STEP 2: Sounds (Sa-ow-n-dz)

So now that you have your alphabet......and how wonderful it is, you can go on to creating a sound, or sounds, for your alphabet, this is where your accent will come from and this will also help with the complexity of your language. Just try creating unique sounds or use ones you already know and match them up with the symbol/letter of your choice.......simple i know.

So when you have all the sounds to your hearts conempt......let go on to the next step.

STEP 3: Creating Words (and Worlds)

Ok so here is where you start taking your letters and sounds and making words.
Before you start, you may want to place some rules like only a vowel can start a new syllable, or maybe every word must start with a possibilitie of 5 letters, create whatever rules you want this step is optional. So now you start randomly smackin' letters together and sound them out from front to back......if it doesnt work (and occasionaly it wont) try either starting a new one or replace the trouble letter with one that will fit. it does help to use vowels here. How often do you see a language with a word pronounced "ghrtljwqurtghl". Now creating these words will take a while, Frommer's Na'vi started in 2005 and is still expanding today. Just keep note of all the words you create and refer back to them when your going to create a new word you dont dont want two totally different words sharing the same spelling.
You may want to move on to the next step before continueing this one. If you get tired you may want to stop writing words and come back to it later. Trust me, you will start to see the letters all mush up and make no sense......if this happens please take a break.

STEP 4: Grammar

This is where your language really puts some meat on that skeleton. This is where your language creates verbs, nouns, adjectives, plurals and everything else. Some things to consider is do your nouns include genderism. Is there past, present and future tense in your verbs. And everything else. this part can be complicated so please take your time.

STEP 5: Style

STEP 6: Extras

This is where you add anything else that comes to mind like slang or dialect.... all those extras that help create something new. Please send me your i am just starting mine, i may post an instructable later on my language, how to speak it, spell it and everything else.


I want to make my own language which is called "The Savannic Language" or "Savannish Language" . When I was a 3rd Grader I was writing something weird and drawing weird things and Different from our alphabet. Which I call "Futuristic Savannish Galactic Alphabet" ...I was writing it in my Notebook which we don't use that much. I was planning to make it as a small book for me...

it is similar from the German language... it has different types of language:

Germanic English-Savannic Lang.

Germanic Savan' Lang.

American Savan' Lang.

Slavic-Savan' Lang. (The State of Slavic Savania lang.)

Futuristic Lang.

English Lang.

Latin Lang.

Anglish Lang.

And more...

hhh.. well.. i'd say I like the first name.

call it Savannic. I mean... English is Germanic, but there's no reason to add sprinkles to it.

My Own Language:

Moonsterous Language/ Münstær Dili/ Мүнстæр Дили


Language Family: Turkic


Ā/Ā makes the a sound like aa like sāt/сāт meaning hour.

Æ/Æ makes the sounds of a and e in order like in Maykæl/Майкæл(Michael in English).

С/Ҹ makes the j sound in “jet”.

Ç/Ч makes the sound ch like in charge.

Ə/Ə makes the a sound in “cat”.

G/Ҝ makes the same sound as the azerbaijani G.

Ğ/Ғ makes the same sound as the azerbaijani Ğ.

X/Х makes the ch sound in loch

Q/Г makes the g sound in good.

Ş/Ш makes the sound sh like shoes.

Ü/Ү makes the same sound as a the Azerbaijani ü.

”/Ъ and ‘/Ь are the hard and soft signs.

can i please get some help? mine is basically a code of English but with different characters
I want to make a language but I don’t want to do it alone
Am gönna həlp yöü!
I have started creating my own language and i can help or include you into mine i called it ràkônia
I am gonna speak MOONSTEROUS: Salam mən Rauf am və mən səni çox xoşluy’uræm və sən öy”r”ənməx” istiy’irsən? Mən sənə öy”r”ədərəm!

Translation: Hi I am Rauf and I like you a lot and do you want to learn? I will teach you!

NOTE: This language is similar to Azerbaijani
When will something get added on Step 5?
The style should NOT be hard if you are are gonna use this new language as an English speaker, Use an easy style. You might teach this language to your friends so nouns, abjectives and pronouns should NOT be that hard, those should be starter words. Like look at my Moonsterous Language at the comments, It has neat letters, no weird exotic sounds or letters, You can make your own letters or sounds but don’t make make exotic ones like this example of a letter: bbbbbbbbb. You should NOT use use more than 3 glyphs for your letter, Wql is valid but Rtyu isn’t, And if you use a glottal stop, that doesn’t count so Haʔö is valid, these are just examples so you can make even more! And should count the glyphs Ö, Ü, È, .etc as accents or their own letters? It’s you’re business! You’re language needs some similarities with other languages so maybe put it in a language family like Latin, Germanic, Slavic, Turkic .etc OR start your own language and your friends will make similar languages and THAT makes a new huge family? It’s all your choice!
cat in reesed bat-er
sound like c-a-t-kit
and city, cop and cap
bap-er for cop
bity-er for city
and bop-er for cap
er not 2 letters as 1 letter
cat in reesed it's bat-er
er not as two letters but 1 letter
Chris38098311 11 days ago
I am thinking about making one,of my new alphabets. But I have no idea of what to do and I don't have Any ideas or other scripts I should look
To put my own alphabet
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