Mason Jar Turned Sippy Cup


Intro: Mason Jar Turned Sippy Cup

Mason jars have many uses, and here's one more to add to that ever expanding list! Now hipster toddlers can chat legos at the playground while sipping juice!

Glass (read: non-plastic) food and beverage containers for kids are becoming increasingly popular. So lets hack our own version from items that are probably already in your pantry:

- Regular or medium "mouth" mason jar. (I used one 8oz and one 12 oz)
- "Take n Toss" sippy cup heads (the same brand also makes straw heads, which would also work for this project)
- scissors
- marker/ pen

STEP 1: Unscrewing

Unscrew the lid from the band on your mason jar.

STEP 2: Tracing

That lid will be what we use to trace onto the back side of the TakeNToss cap

Simply hold both the mason jar lid and the sippy cap together and trace the outline of the lid unto the plastic cap. Try to keep as much of the nozzle area as you can. 

STEP 3: Cutting

Using a pair of regular scissors, cut out the circular line you just traced. This is easier than it looks. 

STEP 4: Taste Testing

Place your newly cut sippy cap onto the jar, and secure with the original jar band. It should fit like a glove!

Fill with a liquid and flip upside down. No liquid should leak from anyplace besides the actual nozzle. If it does, I'm sorry to say that you cut off too much of the sippy cap, and will need to try again. 

That last image shows both the original lid and the sippy cap screwed on. This is GOLDEN if you need to transport a drink without immediate drinking needs. (i.e will not drip)

STEP 5: You're Done!

Pat yourself on the back and give your kid some milk. Hopefully they'll sleep like babies! 


I made a similar sippy cup for my two year old son out of a glass jar. I crochet cotton sleeves that slide over the glass so he can't break them. He's put them through a lot and they have never broken. You can also buy silicone sleeves that fit these jars if youre not too crafty. They work too.
Who gives glass to a vhild, really?

A person that gives glass to a child is an over achiever parent. Theres nothing wrong with glass. Teach them from the start it's fragile. Before our time were there sippy cups? no..

im sure its fine, a peanut butter sandwich is far more dangerous.
Awesome! I live in WV and I can tell you these are perfect Stocking Stuffers! I am definitely sharing this!
This is way better than having to by the overpriced silicone ones! Thanks! I'm gonna go visit the dollar store and stock up for my next moonshine party! ?
Cool idea - love the creativity. Couple comments:

There is a HUGE difference between a glass bottle and a glass sippy cup. Bottle are used by newborns/infants who's parents hold the bottle. If you give an infant a glass bottle and walk away, they usually can only crawl at that age and thus the bottle is close to the ground and unlikely to break.

Sippy cups are meant to train kids how to use a real cup. They get dropped from high chairs, thrown when kids have tantrums, etc. Sippy cups are used by toddlers (age 12 months or so) that can walk. Anyone who has had a toddler knows they are prone to throwing everything. I just caught a TV remote in the face a couple days ago from my 12 month old. No way I would give my kid a glass sippy cup.

However, put a beer cozy on that thing, and you are good to go. Use a little adhesive so it doesn't come off, keeps the milk cold. Done and done.

Love the creativity. Thanks for sharing.
So many haters! I love this idea bc I love mason jars. I'm gonna put sippie cup tops on all my mason jars when giving out shine as Xmas gifts this year.
Great thank you, I also make pour spouts with the top of a boxed drink do the same thing and it has a screw on lid...
people, one other person on this list and myself drank from glass baby bottles and we turned out just fine. i don't see this as something for a child on the playground...but for me, this idea is awesome and you could grab one of those sippy cups that doesn't leak and give yourself a great coffee commuter mug.thanks for sharing
This is brilliant.
I think for travel these would be wonderful, plus, they wouldn't have to be just for small children. Adults and older children could use them in the car the same way we use the plastic mugs with similar lids.
As one person stated, many of us grew up in a time when Tupperware was just starting and they were about the only plastic cups available, so we used glass or maybe aluminum (which could often cut the lip). Yes, it might not be a good idea to give a toddler a jar if you have tile floors, but many people seem to have such a limited view of possibilities. If your children are hitting each other with heavy objects, then you have a larger problem than using glasses. I think these would be wonderful for smoothies that don't work with straws or the small mug openings.
Kicking myself that I just threw some of these lids out a few weeks ago! And for the naysayers, if your kid tosses things across a room and tend to drop things, don't give them one a glass container. When a child does use one, let it be at the table so you can keep an eye on them. Just use common sense.
When I was a child all they had were glass bottles and there were no catastrophes. Some communities still do not recycle so in that case, yes glass containers are a better option.
Points awarded for creativity, however I would have concerns. A few being the weight, the fact that it is glass, and the obvious part where you discard the actual sippy cup and use a mason jar. Yes, mason jars are very sturdy but the the rims can chip but what I would be concerned with is my floor. When our girls were using sippy cups they had a way of magically falling from the high chair a dozen times per meal. I can only imagine how the tile would have held up to a mason jar being slammed on it that often.
Love it going to make one for my friends baby
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