Method 5 Probe, Filter, and Train Assembly


Intro: Method 5 Probe, Filter, and Train Assembly

This instructable is show how to build a method 5 probe, filter, and train according to the Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 60 (CFR). This Instructable is for demonstaion purposes only and for full instruction on rules and regulations please refer to the CFR. This will be a step by step instruction with equipment specialized for the purpose of sampling emmissions from industrial  sources. The effort here is to provide a small example of the process of how to successfully assemble  the equipment, and leak check the equipment. Much of the prep work, such as assembly  and proper cleaning of the probe have been left out for simplicity.

STEP 1: Collect Items and Prepare to Assemble.

Collect following items:
-Dry gas meter box (DGM)
- Air tight Pump
-M5 line
- Pre-assembled Probe
-Glass filter bell
-Impinger clips
-Glass Trunk
-Heated filter box
-Cold Bucket
-Box of Nozzles

STEP 2: Assemble Pump to DGM.

Uncover the DGM and pump. Remove the power cord, vaccum and pressure lines from the pump. Place the DGM on top of the pump on the alotted slot and plug lines into the labeled connections on the DGM box.

STEP 3: Connect M5 Line to DGM Box.

A M5 line consists of a sample line,an amphenol (120v power source),  a positive and negative and an extra pitot line, 5 thermocouples (1. stack, 2. probe, 3. filter, 4. aux and 5. exit). On one end of the sample line there is a male 5/8 quick connect that attatches to the DGM. Connect the negative pitot into the negative quick connect and the positive to the positive quick connect on the DGM. The thermocouples(TC's)  are labeled 1-5, connect the TC's 1-5, from left to right, connect the following in order 1. stack, 2. probe, 3. filter, 4. aux and 5. exit.

STEP 4: Connect M5 Line to the Filter Box and Probe.

At the other end of a M5 line consists of the same sample line, TC's and pitots. The sample line will have a 5/8 quick connect that attaches to the impinger outlet. The pitot lines will connect to the probe with the negative and positive quick connects on the probe. The pre-assembled probe consists of glass tubing (gas sample), a mantle ( heat strip), pitot, thermocouple for the stack gas temperature, and a shell housing in which all of  the preceding items are included in. At the top of the the impinger outlet there is a male TC that connects to the female TC or 5. Exit. The following TC's are connected in this way: 1. stack- is the temperature TC that reads the temperature of the stack gas. 2. is the TC that connects the probe and tells the controller on the DGM to regulate the temperature to 250 degrees F. 3. is the TC that connects to the filter box and regulates its temperature to 250 degrees F. 4. is an auxialiry that is an extra TC that is there in case of one of the others fail.

STEP 5: Assemble and Weigh Out Train.

Items needed:
Glass trunk with the following items:
-glass impingers
-impinger clips
-Cold bucket
-DI Water
-U-bends tube
-Cyclone tube
-Quarter turn tube

1. Take 4 clean impingers and fill 2 with 450 grams of  DI water, leave the third empty, and fill the final impinger with 450 grams of silica.
2. Weigh and record each impinger on the datasheet
3. Begin to assemble the train backwards, the fourth impinger of silica will connect to the impinger outlet, attach the impinger with the outlet with a clip.
4. Attach a u-bend to the top of the inlet, and then proceed to attach the third empty impinger outlet to the u-bend.
5. Attach another u-bend to the inlet and connect the second inpinger of water, attach a u-bend to the outlet.
6.Attach the first impinger of water to the u-bend of the previous impingers, attach a quarter turn to inlet that will attach to the filter bell.
7. Place impingers in cold bucket and attatch cold bucket to filter box.

STEP 6: Assemble Filter Bell and Place in Filter Box.

To assemble the filter bell you will need the following:
-Pre-wieghed filter
-Filter bell
-Quarter turn tube
-Teflon tape

1. Select a pre-wieghed filter.
2. There are two sides to a glass filter bell. One side of the bell has a straight side and one side has a curve.  Unscrew the filter bell and open the bell. Inside the bell is a plastic frit, place the filter on the frit. Re-assemble the bell with the filter side of the frit to curved end of the glass bell, and the straight side of the bell to the opposite side of the frit. Then teflon tape around the outside of the glass and frit. Screw together the ends with the bell on the inside.
3. Attach a quarter turn to  the curved end of the bell with a clip.
4. Place the filter bell inside the filter box with the straight side coming out of the filter box to the impinger train.
5. Clip the quarter turn from the impingers to the straight side of the filter bell.

STEP 7: Selection of Nozzle and Attachment of Probe to Filter Box

The selection of nozzle can be very complicated but I will explain how to do it simply. We need to collect to some data about the source that we are going to test. We need to complete methods 1-4 to determine most of the data we need. With the data collected we can input these  into a formula to recieve a predicted volume.  We typical want to see a 60 liters wet, or 80 liters dry. Again for further information refer to the CFR.

The main factor behind the selection of the nozzle is the differential pressure or flow of the stack gas with in the flue. We use a method 2 pitot traverse.The probe is inserted into ports 90 degrees apart and a reading on the manometer is taken. This helps determine an accurate model of the flow of the gas at specified measurements with in the stack.

Based upon the results of the formula, we can select a nozzle. To attach a nozzle to the probe do as follows:
1. At the end of the probe is a 1/2' union, we can attach the nozzle with a graphite ferrule and a 1/2' nut.
2. As we attach the nozzle to the probe we want to make the opening of the nozzle is aligned with with pitot and in the correct direction of the stack gas.
3.Insert probe into filter box and close latch, be sure to have a tight fit from probe to filter without breaking the glass. Tighten all clips and locks and prepare to leak check.

STEP 8: Leak Check

A leak check is a tool to ensure we have made an air tight system. All equipment is calibrated in-house to ensure a successful testing campaign. Although everything always works great in the office, on-site is another story.Before a Leak test begins we need to make sure all fittings, joints, and clips are tight and are in good fitting.

Continue as follows:
1. Turn on pump, be sure to have valve closed to not to contaminate the sample filter.
2. Have a friend put a gloved finger over the tip of the nozzle.
3. Open the valve and watch the dial, we want to see the dial stop moving.
4. If the dial stops, we got a good leak check. If not re-check the connections from probe backwards. All the way back to the M5 line. A leak should be detected in system.


Trying to impress anyone? Yourself?
This could have been a good and useful 'ible but you had zero esprit to go about it and making those pictures didn't really cost you as much effort as you were going to say now.
Next time don't bother if you are just going to copy a text and shoot some fotos to go along with it.
I appreciate your comment, I think. From what it sounds like you are trying to say, you are impressed. Although, your English is a bit off. If you want to criticize someone use proper grammar. It could only help your case. I know English is tough, especially past the sixth grade level.

I do this for work and the instructable was for a project in school. So when you say "Next time don't bother if you are just going to copy a text and shoot some fotos to go along with it." You should check your facts. If you ever open a CFR, you would be able to see that it reads nothing like my write up. So thanks for commenting and making yourself look awesome!
You're very welcome! I appreciate your mature criticism of my English which unfortunately I think is just fine, especially considering it's my 3rd language. On that note, if you find I accused you of copying from a CFR maybe you should check yours ,)
I've had a good share of them on my desk and I have nfi why you would want to bring it up here. Maybe another attempt at being you but in awesome version?
Try harder!

Nothing that epa method 5 doesn't already say.