Moon Station Powered Moon Lamp


Intro: Moon Station Powered Moon Lamp

This instructables show how to add a rechargeable Moon station light source to make a portable Progressive Detail Moon Lamp.

STEP 1: Why Moon Station?

A portable Moon Lamp require a light source; And the light source require a power switch and recharge plug socket.

The switch and socket make the Moon surface not perfect. How about make it look like a Moon station? It can explain why part of the Moon become unnatural :P

STEP 2: 3D Printing

Download and unpack the STL file from thingiverse:

3D print the model with white filament. I am print it with 0.1 mm layer height, no support required.

STEP 3: Light Source

The interior of the Moon station is 28 mm in diameter and reserved a micro USB port window.

This time, I am using a tiny LED drive board with charging circuit. It originally designed for 18650 LED flashlight, you can use any similar light source in hand.

STEP 4: Soldering Work

Connect power switch, LED drive board, Lipo battery and LED altogether.

STEP 5: Hot Glue Work

Since soldered circuit not in perfect shape, simply use hot glue fix it into the Moon station. I recommend fix the switch first then align the LED drive board to the USB port window.

STEP 6: Install Moon Station

Use a coin screw the Moon station into the Moon.

STEP 7: Charging

The USB port window designed at the side but not the bottom, so that you can screw up the Moon station a little bit and plug the USB power for charging. At the same time, you can treat it as a decent decoration on your desk.

STEP 8: Happy Night!

It's time to show what you have done with friends at night!


That is really beautiful. nice project
Hi! Can you tell me the size of the LiPo battery? Would a 26mm x 26 mm fit? Thanks
I think it can squeeze into the Moon Station ;)
Do you know the name of this tiny LED drive board with charging circuit? I managed to find something similar but without charging and USB.
try google "usb charging flashlight board"
Where can i find that led drive board or a similar one online?
try google "usb charging flashlight board"
great project, i really wish to make one for me, but i dont have access to 3D printing, is there any other alternative for similar project! ?
If you cannot print it yourself, you may order a print out on the web.
I think you could use any other material depending on what you want to archieve. Few years ago I made an awesome one from cooking paper with glue and then adding paint :D