Our Home-made Halloween Costumes!


Intro: Our Home-made Halloween Costumes!

Hello Instructable World ! We couldn't decide what to be for Halloween this year until, one night, we looked over at our majestic kitties and said to each other, "LET US BE THE KITTIES!" We followed an amazing tutorial for the wig here: https://www.instructables.com/id/Cats-Musical-Costume/              Please enjoy our journey...

STEP 1: Step 1: Find Said Majestic Kitties

Majestic Kitties

STEP 2: Step 2: Take Forever

Find some appropriate coloured yarn and cut, and pull, and tie, and cut, and pull, and tie, and cut, and pull, and tie, and and and.... (a glass of wine or two doesn't hurt ;)

STEP 3: Step 3: the Wigs!

Make some wig heads look snazzy in their wig caps and then glue glue glue glue!

STEP 4: Step 4: Admire Before Trimming

'Nuff said  ;)   (looking a little like Slash on the left, there)

STEP 5: Step 5: Find a Snazzy Unitard and Some Fabric Paints and Go Wild!

The black cat didn't need much painting, but our tortoise-shell girl made us work hard. The only way I could get my guy to stand still while I painted was to give him a DS!

STEP 6: Step 6: Tail

Pullin' the yarn, makin' the tail :)

STEP 7: Step 7: Sewing on Some Extra Fur!

Pin, pin pin, sew, sew, sew....

STEP 8: Step 8: the Costumes



Dropping a like from another Andi M turned Andi W, was my absolute favorite movie growing up >^.^

Please please tell me where you got the fake hair!! I want to make my own wig for Halloween! Thanks Kim ^_^

your ears look different than the Other Persons ears.. *The one you got the how-to wig page from*

Fantastic! This is definitely this years halloween costume for my theatread daughter. I've seen the wig tutorial but how did you make the tail?

thanks in advance x
love love looovvee!!!
Mungojerrie! Or is it Rumpleteazer!?!
I love the shot of you in costume and your cats. The furry mane and makeup look great!
Great work! Although the cats look a little confused...