Pallet Trunk


Intro: Pallet Trunk

Now that i've got a decent sized room, I needed some furniture to fill it. Not only did I need some more storage space, I also needed a coffee table, so I thought, why not knock out two birds with one stone. Using some old pallets I was able to throw together this trunk using a design similar to a trunk my father owns. It's exactly what I was looking for.

In this instructable, I didn't include any measurements. I put out this instructable assuming that people will use measurements that suit their needs. I feel that i've provided sufficient pictures and instructions to allow for readers to figure out how to construct their own. Make sure that you look through the entire instructable before starting.

This is one of my first instructables, so let me know what could be improved upon. Excuse the mediocre photos, I don't have a very good camera. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

STEP 1: Materials/Tools

 - 2 Pallets (I got mine free from a construction site, just make sure you ask before you take)
 - Nails & Screws (You can use whatever you want, but i used 1 1/2" and 2" finish nails and 1" dry wall screws)
 - Scrap piece of plywood

 - Table Saw
 - Chop Saw
 - Hammer
 - Power Drill
 - Reciprocating Saw

STEP 2: Deconstruction

First step is to deconstruct your pallets. I used a reciprocating saw to cut the nails that attach the 1x4's to the 2x4 supports. You could also use a crowbar to disassemble your pallet, but because my pallets had been sitting outside for several months the boards weren't sturdy enough to do this.  

STEP 3: Creating the Frame

In this step we are going to create the frames of the trunk. Start by ripping three 1x4's right down the middle. Take two of these 1x2  pieces and cut them to the length of your desired trunk. Now take a third piece cut the two side supports for the frame, make sure to compensate for the fact that the longer pieces will be hanging over the ends of these two side pieces. Using finishing nails, nail your pieces together as seen in the picture above. This will create your base support. Build another, with identical dimensions and set aside for later.

STEP 4: Side Panels

You will now want to take your 1x4's and cut them to the desired height. Using screws, attach these boards to your frame. I sided both ends before I did the front and back of the trunk. 

STEP 5: Structure

Now pull out that second frame that you built earlier and do the same thing you did before but put this frame on the top edge. Should be able to figure this step out from the pictures.

STEP 6: Corner Design

Once the frames are on take a 1x4 and cut it to fit between the frames, as seen in the pictures. I used finishing nails to attach them. You will also need a piece of ripped 1x4" which will cover up the overhang. Look at the notes on the pictures which will help explain a little more of this process.

STEP 7: Edge Cover

Now we're going to add an edge over the rough edges of the side panels. Take two ripped 1x4's and cut them to fit the long edges. Use finishing nails to attach them to trunk. Next cut ripped 1x4's to fit the sides. Nailing them in to stay.

STEP 8: Trunk Bottom

There are a couple ways to put a bottom on your trunk. I cut a piece of 3/4" plywood to fit and then used nails to hold it in. You could make a bottom similar to how you will make the top in the next step, but I wasn't planning on showing anyone the bottom of my trunk.

STEP 9: Lid

Take 1x4's, I used 4, and cut them to the length of the trunk. Then cut 2 pieces of 1x4's to the width of the trunk and attach them on each end of the four boards. (this is a poor explanation but you should be able to figure it out from the pictures.

STEP 10: Lining the Interior

You can line your trunk with quite a few things, or you could just leave it rough. I lined mine with couch upholstery. I cut out pieces for each side that overlapped the corners a little in order for the pieces to look nice. Once i had the sides done I cut the bottom piece to fit the bottom of the trunk perfectly and glued it in. I glued all of my scraps in with elmers spray glue, and then used a staple gun around the top edge to help prevent later sagging. My dad lined his trunk with ceder boards. It's up to you what you want to do, just remember that the heavier material you choose to line your trunk with the heavier it will be. 

STEP 11: Hinges

For hinges I wanted something with a rusty look to it. I found a cool old hinge but had to rust the screws myself. I used this site, and used the first recipe and got a really nice rust. You could also do this if you can't find any old hinges to use. 

If you want you can also add handles to your trunk, like the one seen in the last picture. It's up to you. I haven't added any to mine yet, because I have yet to find a pair I like. 

Now you're done. Put your trunk somewhere it can be enjoyed and fill it with all your extra junk. 


Had a blast making this with my 1.5yr old!
I would like to see how you made this
Thanks for giving me inspiration
Greetings I send you from ARGENTINA Villa Mercedes
Also even if they ARE sturdy pallets are a challenge to pry apart, Trust me i've been trying haha
If you have a saw-all, get a blade for metal, and cut from behind the top boards. When all boards are off then use a skinny enough screw driver and knock all the left behind nails out. You will destroy the pallet wood and wear yourself out by trying to pry each nail out. Most nails are a special type that are spiralled.
Edit: Found out the wonders of a metal cutting blade on a sawzall!
What was the measurements of the complete box?

this looks fun. All y'all make this look so easy.. I'm very new to wood work and I can barely get a frame together. How long does it take to make something like this for most.

Thanks for your pallet trunk. That will make a great toy box for my kids

I've always just used spare pallets as scrap-wood or to keep tools etc. off of the ground in my garage. I like the idea of making it into a chest, but I would probably add a stain to mine. For those who know, should I stain the wood before I put the box together?
What size screws did you use for this project thx

Needed more pallets than the instructions call for if you make it bigger, which we did because I needed a larger trunk, lined it with brown paper and it looks great

seriously like this project. One of the best looking pallet projects I have seen. Defo gonna give it a go when I've next got some time off

Yes, it seems it's called a wire wheel brush in English (don't take the knotted ones though, they are too invasive).

And here's some methods to artificially "age" wood, some of them are actually very nice although personally I prefer not to use commercial stains or any chemicals.

you could even 'clean up' the board before assembly by running them through a planer. use a jointer on the edges, add glue and clamp them together for a more solid, cleaner jointer/planer? just use a cheap palm sander. :) this is a great project.

I think he wanted to go for a rusted and used look.
Personally, I prefer to brush my pallet boards with a steel brush on my drill which works out the grain beautifully and deburrs at the same time.
This makes the look a bit less old and used but quite a bit more natural and "woody", especially after I have generously applied native olive oil.

Oh and I made something like this to dismantle my pallets "" it was easy to make and works like a charm.
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