Perfect Homemade Cornbread


Intro: Perfect Homemade Cornbread

Impress you friends with your very own Perfect Batch of Homemade Cornbread, none of that nasty play-doh stuff out of a bag. This is all from scratch and is super easy to make.

STEP 1: The Stuff You Need

1 cup of yellow cornmeal
1 cup of white flour
1/2 cup white sugar
1 heaping teaspoon of baking powder
- if you add too much it makes the corn bread metallic tasting, but it takes quite a bit.
1 teaspoon of salt
2 eggs
I like skim but what ever
1/2 cup of oil- I like olive oil but what ever as long as it isnt rancid (aka oxidized)
Spray oil- PAM or something like that

STEP 2: Mix It Up

This part is easy. All the dry ingredients go in to the bowl and mix until there is now streaks and the powder looks all the same. Be sure to scrape the bottom of the bowl, flour likes to hide in the corners.I usually "hand" measure the salt. Its handier then finding a teaspoon. After the dry is all mixed up add the eggs and the oil and mix it up some more. I usually use a stout fork for this because the batter is very thick and I am trying to break up all of the lumps. Who wants lumpy cornbread? Once everything is all mixed up add just enough milk to allow the batter to pour, about as stiff as pancake batter. Mix it some more. Don't add more milk because its too stiff until its mixed very very well, the milk hides in corners too.

STEP 3: Grease the Pan

Whoa this part is even easier and its fun. Spray the oil on to the pan. That's it. I normally pretend I am spray painting a race car, trying to get a nice even coat.

STEP 4: Into the Pan It Goes

Like the title says, pour it into the pan. Its self leveling just get it in the pan, no worries.

STEP 5: Turn Up the Heat

About 20-25 minutes at 425 degrees F. A better way to judge is to wait till the top is a nice gold en brown and then stick a butter knife in the middle. if the knife comes out clean is good to go, if it has wet batter on it still cook it longer.

STEP 6: Time to Eat

A little butter on it and time for the best part...consumption! Thanks and enjoy.


marymcknatt, she did tell you how much milk, you put the milk in last, aliite at a time until the consistency is right. What else do you want to know. That's the I always add milk. Either that or if you use a mix like Martha White, I measure the wet ingredients and then add the mix until the consistency is right. Not rocket science!

Sure is a big ol meat fist in those pictures for a "she"
Cooking is an art form not rocket science. However there is recipe here on instrutables that is for rocket fuel that you sort of cook in electric skillet.

I have a couple of questions. First, does it have to be YELLOW cornmeal? I was lucky enough to get some white, blue and indian mix cornmeal as freebies from my work, and would like to try them out with this recipe, especially the blue.
Second, do you change the temperature, baking time, or both if you're lucky enough to have a Pyrex glass 8X8 dish? I was recently gifted one.

I suppose any cornmeal would work, although with this late response I would hope you don't have the same cornmeal left. If you use white or any other color cornmeal I am not sure how it will look, but it should taste fine. I usually make this cornbread in a cast-iron skillet and have used pyrex too. Make sure your oven is preheated before your batter goes in or else it will be flat and dense. just leave it in till your butter knife comes out clean.
Don't you just love recipes like this that do not even tell you how much milk to use? How are young people supposed to love cooking when the instructions are so incomplete? You know what - we are not clairvoyant!!!! So tonight, I will just stick with my recipe and I bet it tastes a lot better!

Cooking is an art, not a science. If you always add the same amount of liquid each time, sometimes you will get tough, dense cornbread, sometimes light and fluffy. it all depends on your oven, the humidity, the house temperature. Cooking is meant to be experienced, not regimented.

I think the recipe is pretty clear on the amount of milk. You can't give a measurement for a recipe like this because it will vary every time. It is like adding bread to flour. The more you do it, the better you get at knowing how much is enough. Cooking is best when it isn't regimented. Sometimes you try and fail. It's how you learn. If you're going to cook with your nose in the recipe, then just buy frozen meals. No trial and error involved. :)

Hmm. Apparently there are plenty of people who can figure out how this pancake batter is even if you have difficulty with this task. If you add milk to an exact amount the Cornbread tends to come out like playdoh. If that's the kind of Cornbread you like more power to you. Personally I want my corn bread to resemble sponge cake. Good luck with your stiff regimented cooking style. I really do wish you the best.
We have tried making cornbread on many occasions and we have always been met with disappointment...not this time. perfect amount of sweetness and the texture was spot on. Thanks very much for sharing.
Looks like a good one. I'll save this recipe, thanks!
Using a non-aluminum baking powder might help out on the "metallic-tasting" bit. Rumford is good, so is Argo.
I second the use of Rumford. Always use a fresh can, and go for Rumford.
i made it and it taste so good
i added tons of sugar (:
Thanks for sharing...looks great!