Portable Wireless Spy Cam!


Intro: Portable Wireless Spy Cam!

Want to have a portable wireless spy camera like in the movies? Of course you do! 
I have always seen in movie's the spy pulls out a briefcase and they have wireless camera and screen to see it on. Well now you can make your own!

What you need:
 - Case of some sort
       I recommend a pelican case because of the durability and authenticity. I used a 1120 It fit everything pretty tight. 

 - Wireless camera set
 - Small Lcd screen 
     This is the cheapest one I could find.

 - 9 volt rechargeable battery 
     I used a rc car battery that was 9.6v its ok if its a little over 9v. 

 - Switch 

 - Tools 
   Wire strippers, wire cutters, screwdriver, ext....

 - Sandpaper or belt sander 
   Its very useful to have belt sander but if you don't its ok.
 - Misc 

STEP 1: Wiring

The wiring diagram below shows how to hook up the power and video its pretty simple. Depending on the battery you are using you may need an adapter. You need to cut off the plug connector for the wireless camera receiver from the power supply. The Lcd screen should come with a plug that has stripped wires for power. You can use what ever switch you want I found one laying around and it already had the metal L bracket on it. To connect the wires together I used a terminal block but you could use wire nuts or just solder them together.   

STEP 2: Layout

Now you need to figure out how you are going to lay everything out. Depending on the box you have it may be a different layout than me. When laying it all out you want to think of were you may need padding like for the antenna. switch height is another thing to think about. Battery position and if you want to use a divider like I did. Also think about the wires they take up more space than you think. Basically you want everything to stay where it is when you close the box so it wont move when being carried around.     

STEP 3: Prep

Now that you have a layout planed out you want to prep for mounting everything. So if you are using a divider for the battery cut your wood or metal. For the Lcd screen there is a big lump that needs to be sanded down so it sits flush on the box lid. Also cut the plastic to that the wire is flush with the Lcd.   

STEP 4: Glue Time!

Now you want to glue everything, I used hot glue and it worked perfect. So glue the screen to the lid and I glued the wire so it would stay in the corner. I recommend not gluing the receiver or foam but it's up to you. Glue down your terminal block if you used one. Glue your switch.     

STEP 5: Done!

Now everything should be complete and you have a portable wireless spy camera. 

But that's not all now your camera needs a disguise. I was trying to find out who was eating the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in the closet so I disguised the camera as a Jello box.  

Supply's needed:

 - Double sided tape 
 - Exacto knife
 - Tape
 - Jello box

Cut open edges of box to get the net shape.

Drill or cut hole in box for camera to see through.

Tape the camera in place. 

Use double sided tape to close box.

Plug in and hide it. 



what range does this thing has???and can I update the range ?

In different circumstances at home, in the office, the use of a hidden camera may become essential: the suspicion of betrayal, a sneak fellow, a babysitter unreliable... Endoacustica offers WiFi and UMTS micro cameras for audio video shooting with transmission of images and video at unlimited distance. High-quality professional tools for remote hidden video surveillance.

Endoacustica is also able to offer the customization of closed-circuit systems, both wired and wireless, burglar alarm systems, home automation systems and anti-theft ones for commercial places.


A cheaper alternative for the pelican case is a sea foam case, they are around half the price, and are just as good
What adaptor did u use for camera? Where do u cut the plastic on the screen? What adaptor do u need for the battery from car and what do u plug it into i would really appreciate it.
Hi looking for someone to help with tiny camera capture software . Will pay for this help asap.
i am sorry i ask too much question but i really do need the help does the Lcd need any power source if it does is that what the red goes for
i need to know what connects what to what and where or do the connectors come with the package or where can i buy the exact one online
this is just to complicated for me or a video should work
so how many 9 volt battery do i need
also what do i use to distribute the wire can you please make a video and list every single materials you used from tiny to huge please i really have a hard time doing this i really appreciate this i really want to make this thing
huge problem the yellow cable does not go right into the Lcd and the wireless camera receiver do i have to buy a connector that connects both together
Well... Who was eating them?

Nice instructable

This is not a wireless camera... It is inside the breifcase. How do I set up a camera that will allow me to see things as they happen while I am in another room?
The screen and wireless receiver are in the box the camera goes where ever you want it. Then you watch the live footage from the box.
I have a slight problem. When i flip the switch, the screen flashes white for an instant and then stays dark. I'm pretty sure this is a power issue, and is there anything I can do to fix it?
It might be that the screen automatically shuts off if there is no video signal so you need to tune in the camera then it will stay on.
However, do you know of any way to keep the screen always on? I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but I'm learning so much.
I haven't found a way yet but if I do I will be sure to tell you.
That was it. Thanks a million!
What did you use to connect the camera to the battery (size of plug), or did that piece come with the camera?
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