Potato Shapes!


Intro: Potato Shapes!

Every year we plant numerous potato plants in our garden. Butter-ball potatoes, Yukon Gold potatoes, even purple potatoes! 
One year we had a very special potato! It was a Heart Potato! 
Another year we had another special potato! It was a Butterfly Potato!
These are the pictures of the legit potatoes that my family grew/made!


Thanks! Have you ever eaten a purple potato?
They are the awesomest thing to eat because of their radical purple color! They don't taste too great though! :D (this is not my picture)
Have you tried purple (Okinawan) sweet potatoes? They're even more purple, and delicious.
i have eaten a purple carrot and a yellow one
Mmm... I have had yellowish-whitish carrots!
Very nice ible! I love the heart! Thanks for sharing this and have a splendorous day!
Um, sorry, but I am going to ask you to remove that ^^^
Hahah , that's funny I saw one like this me too ! :P
:D Yeah, they are pretty legit!
You should re-plant the potato to see if it makes more!
"happyjo's heart shaped potatos"
:D That is a wonderful idea, except that we already ate them! Next time maybe! :D
Thanks! Please vote when the contest time comes around! :D
Your welcome! I will vote when the contest comes around if can remeber!
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