Pyranine Based Decoation


Intro: Pyranine Based Decoation

Pyranine is a cool molecule which got the cool property called fluorescence. it means that when the molecule absorbs light in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum, it emits light in the visible. so we can see it brightly even if it's dark.

By reforming hot glue sticks containing pyranine and dyes, a spectacular sight was revealed.

STEP 1: Glue Melting

Six hot sticks in a pan was melted in the oven at 200C for 3 minutes.

STEP 2: Pyranine Add

marker pen's liquid dye, containing a pyranine was poured and stirred with the molten glue. We did it three times for each color we had.

STEP 3: Glue Sticks Reformation

The molten, colored, pyranine contained glue was poured on a baking paper and reformed to sticks shape so it could applied by hot glue gun

STEP 4: Scribbling Time

using a hot glue gun, we did some scribbling with the colored sticks on a baking paper. later on we arrange it decoratively

STEP 5: Turning Off the Lights

After turning off the light and apply UV LED, this amazing sight was revealed. now we just have to sit and look


Oh really cool. I didnt knew it
looks fun :) good luck in the contest!
Really neat effect!
Interested in what type of pens these are. I have not seen a pen that had liquid that could be poured out before.
Also, I think the UV light source is probably not UV-C as 'C' is the germicidal wavelengths (100–280 nm). Probably a UV-A, "blacklight" (315–400 nm)
I did not realize that the glowing image was a 3-D mobile until I watched the video.
That is really cool! Thanks for sharing!
It turns out that there is a lot of maker pens with unsoaked liquid In the stores.
Regarding to uv region, my mistake. I meant uv-a ofcourse. Ill change that. Thanks!