Ratatouille's New Pad


Intro: Ratatouille's New Pad

This guide is how to make a miniature bed and bedroom set using a cardboard box and lid, toilet paper roll, cardboard, cigarette pack, marker pen, foam, fabric scraps, batting, magazine cut outs, and tape. Children will have hours of fun with this cute doll bed. I have included the mouse pattern but this guide is not about how to make the mouse. I think the pattern instructions are very well written.

STEP 1: Supplies

1 Small box with a lid.
1 foam pad from packaging was used for mattress to make it level with the edge of the box.
Small fabric pieces for the pillow, sheet, quilt, ruffle.
Batting or anything soft to use as a filler for the quilt, and pillow.
Toilet paper roll for base of table.
Small pieces of cardboard for table top and stand for the cutouts.
1 Cigarette pack for the dresser.
Green marking pen to draw drawers.
Cut outs from magazines
Thread, sewing and floss for whiskers.
Tape measure.
Sewing machine optional.


2 felt pieces, brown and ivory for the mouse body.
Button for nose or eyes (I used felt for the eyes)
Thread and needle.

The directions calls for embellishments.

Here is the pattern:  http://www.allcrafts.net/fjs.htm?url=web.archive.org/web/20060626020607/http://www.kuninfelt.com/projectsheets/rainplush/chris_mouse.htm

STEP 2: Cutting the Pattern

The box I used was a fruit box that had a foam insert and another piece of packaging that I used.  So you will have to measure your box to determine the size of sheet, quilt, and pillow to fit. 

Measure the top of the box to determine the sheet and the quilt size.   Allow for seams and the hem at the top. Note: I added a ruffle so figure the quilt the same size as the sheet.
Measure across the width of the box to determine the length of the pillow and about how wide you want it,  allowing for seams.
For the ruffle I used a double piece of fabric about 4 inches wide and  1 and a half times the measurements around the box excluding the top end for the length.  There will be no ruffle at the top and a (couple of inches on the sides because of the lid.)  See picture of the quilt.

Cut 2 pieces of fabric for the sheet.
Cut 2 pieces for the pillow.
Cut 2 pieces for the quilt
Cut 1 piece for the ruffle.
Cut 1 batting the size of the finished top sheet. (optional)

STEP 3: Sewing the Sheet and Pillow

You will be making a pillowcase for the sheet.

With right sides together sew the sides and bottom leaving the top open.
Turn right side out.
Try it on for size and make the necessary adjustments.
Turn down a small hem leaving the top end open. 
The sheet is finished next we will make the pillow.

With right sides together mark center on the long end.  Start sewing just past that mark all the way around the pillow leaving an opening about 2 1/2 to 3 inches so you can fill the pillow with batting. 
Stuff the pillow firm and hand sew the opening. 

STEP 4: Ruffle

Hem the short ends of the ruffle.

Fold the ruffle in half with wrong sides together.

Sew the raw edge of  long side with the longest stitch on your machine leaving a long thread at the ends. 
Sew another seam allowing a presser foots length next to the previous seam leaving long threads at the ends as shown in picture. 
Take the top 2 threads and carefull pull the threads until you have the ruffle the length you need. 

STEP 5: Quilt

Pin the ruffle to the right side of the quilt top with the ruffles pointing towards the center.
Lay the right side of the 2ND piece of quilt fabric over the top and pin the batting to the wrong side of that.
Sew all the way around the quilt leaving the ends open at the top and removing the pins as you sew.
Turn right side out and fold under the hem at the top and sew through all the layers as shown.

I just drew lines on the dresser with a marker pen and taped a picture for embellishments to the top.   I cut out a square piece of cardboard and taped it to a toilet paper roll for the table.  I added the embellishments. 
Thanks for viewing my guide!  


Thanks! It was great fun creating and sharing here on instructables.

The pattern link does not work on my server so here is the site that I got it from in case it don't work for some of you. You will have to copy paste it. Scroll down on the right it says Christmas mouse. http://allcrafts.net/sewing/stuffedanimalssewing.htm.
I put your link above and it still don't work. The link in your box does though. Wonder what with it?
The link in the instructable needs:  .htm   
at the very end. That looks to be the only difference. Give it a try. 
Well, Hello Mary
( hrm) where is your entry for for the pet contest? I just know that ole Gator would love a homemade treatsie! Thanks for commenting! I'll be looking for that treastie entry!
Adorable, love it!
Thanks Susan for commenting! It was fun to make.
Now it works! Thanks for sharing!
Yay!!!! ;-D You're so welcome.

This instructable is too dang cute!!!
Thanks! Been thinking about the wedding thing. I might be doing something like you mentioned if I can just do it! Thanks for the link!
Very nice! The dresser is so sheek and stylish!
Did you notice his gardening book and the one on the table? I could not resist.
Oh yeah and the cheese and milk. I wanted to make him some eye glasses but didn't have time.
Actually I DID! And I was looking for his glasses too. Cute, clever ible!
Thanks! I could make ibles 24/7 just need an energy boost!
Ah gee, thanks! Blush blush. I did not need to paint it because it already had a pretty design! Thanks for commenting!