Retractable Solder Fume Extractor (From an LED Light)


Intro: Retractable Solder Fume Extractor (From an LED Light)

This Is a fan that I use while soldering to get the solder fumes out of my face!

Why did I choose this fan? This Is Why

If you are wondering what I am connecting it to, It is my home-made peg-board. If you are interested this project this is the link

If you don't understand why there is a weird flashlight on this pegboard you can see this project here

STEP 1: The Parts I Used

1. A Retractable LED Reading Light

2. Wires (There will be an explanation why at Step 3)

3. Zip Ties

4. The Fan

STEP 2: Tools

Wire Cutters


STEP 3: Why Wires?

I used some extra 220 VOLT wall wires I had because the bending lamp structure wasn't strong enough to hold the fan.

STEP 4: Unscrew the Head Off the End

I did this gently using pliers

STEP 5: What to Do With the Wires

I cut the wires to the exact length of the lamp and connected them (with zip-ties) to the bendable structure of the lamp to make it stronger.

STEP 6: Connect the Fan to the (so Called) Lamp

I did this by tying the zip-ties and the lamp together as seen in the picture


Now this is an ultra powerful fume Extractor!

STEP 8: Update!

Now this is connected to my table because I replaced the small pegboard with a huge Magnetic Pegboard!

I've also made an Instructable about my "Magnetic Pegboard" which you can see here!

STEP 9: Thank You for Watching!

Thank You For Watching! Don't forget to visit my Instructables page for more projects!


Awesome! Although you could have ran those wires through the frame, or used hobby wire. I will be making this.

Thank You!
What do you mean by through the frame?
Dont forget to send a picture when you make it!