

An easy and cool ring, made from a scrap piece of copper.


I'm confused. Where are the instructions? I see only the main photos and then comments now.
perfectttttttt.. thanks alot buddy

That looks really good, though, since copper turns my skin green in about 5 minutes, I think I'd use silver wire.

try turtle wax, I know it sounds funny, but you really love a copper piece, coat it all in turtle wax, let it dry then buff it off. then repeat at least twice. It gives a great protection to the copper and won't tarnish the skin...

Oh, good to know!

a trick that I learned from

I also knew carnuba wax is good for this, and natural

clear nail polish will do the trick too and shine it up

I also knew carnuba wax is good for this, and natural

ooh I will go in search of that

marcellahella, your instructable for the serpent ring was easy to follow. Your the first that I have read that you sell the product that you make. Good luck in the jewelry contest.

This looks really pretty! You have my votes!

Hi! I was wondering if the material you use for making the ring turns your skin green. I tend to forget to remove my rings before washing my hands. Also, I enjoyed your Celtic brooch instructible too! :)

Thank you!

Yes it does stain a little, to some people more, to some other less...

That's very nice! Did you use liver of sulfur or some other agent to darken the copper? Does the pointed end ever catch on things? I don't like snakes but I'm going to have to make one of these. I might just paddle both ends though to avoid creeping myself out. LOL

Thank you!

I didn't use any patina, it just an old piece of copper that had already some one, plus it get more when annealed and more when hammered on a old still surface. Than I didn't polish it.

The ring I have doesn't get catch in things, because the size is perfect for me, so it stay well close-fitting to my finger, and no much can pass in between.

Sning! The snake ring from one of my favorite books! Way cool!
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