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LocationBlossom, TexasJoined
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100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Hiding Places Contest 2017
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Hiding Places Contest 2017
Halloween Props Contest 2016
Contest Winner First Prize in the Halloween Props Contest 2016
Puzzles Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Puzzles Challenge
Cardboard Contest 2016
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Cardboard Contest 2016
T-Shirt Transformations Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the T-Shirt Transformations Challenge
Outside Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Outside Contest 2016
Make It Fly Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make It Fly Contest 2016
Purple Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Purple Challenge
Pi Day Challenge 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Pi Day Challenge 2016
Bucket Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Bucket Challenge
Pest Control Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Pest Control Challenge
One Pot Meals Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the One Pot Meals Challenge
Sci-Fi Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Sci-Fi Contest
Spectacular Failures Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Spectacular Failures Contest
Make It Glow! Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make It Glow! Contest

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