SILENCE Those Rattling V-Brakes! (ninja Style)


Intro: SILENCE Those Rattling V-Brakes! (ninja Style)

I heavily commute by bicycle, and have for many, many years. Any rattle, squeak, or grind that rears its head is quickly dealt with. V BRAKES have an area that is notorious for rattling when riding rough terrain. I have learned over much of my traveling time that a SILENT bike is a true NINJA STYLE bike.

This will SILENCE those rattling V's.

STEP 1: Supplies Needed...

What you will need,

- Heat shrink tubing (bought mine at the local home improvement store; 1/4 in. - 1/8 in).

- Lighter

- Correctly sized Allen key, Allen wrench, Hex key, what-have-you.

STEP 2: Loosen Nut...

Loosen the cable nut and free the cable. Then slide the rubber protector off (looks like a cylindrical accordion).

NOTE: Some V-brakes will not have the rubber protector, not a big deal.

STEP 3: Slide the Heat Shrink Wrap...

- slide the new heat shrink onto the cable

- work it to the front edge of the raised lip of the noodle (the chrome "L" shaped piece).

- NOW, use the lighter to shrink the tubing.

STEP 4: Complete!

Put everything back together!

This layer of protection between the metal noodle and the metal cable bridge will SILENCE the noise produced when riding over rough terrain! Ride on my fellow ninjas.


That's very clever. I'm amazed that the rest of your bike is quiet enough that the most annoying sound that you hear is your brakes rattling. Have you done anything else to keep it quiet?

awesome, what other tips do you have?

Great, I hate rattles on my bike

Very clever, this is a better, cleaner and more durable solution than to oil it up.

Nice, simple fix! I like it. My bike is covered with bits of heat shrink, electrical tape, and zip ties. It's not the prettiest, but it rides great! Great post.