Sculpturing and Texturing


Intro: Sculpturing and Texturing

I just love sculpturing and texture in paintings....and going about it is also messy and fun! and Children just love getting down and dirty!

The learning objective of this tutorial is that the students will learn the basics of sculpturing and texture.
Children will also be improving their mortar skills and learn about the color pallet.

First have a discussion about various art and sculpture...ask the students what they like about it...
Explain about  relief sculpturing which is 2D sculpture and texture which is the perceived surface quality of the art piece...
Sometimes texture in a painting can be given by painting in different ways ...but by giving the art texture in 2D form gives it more depth and beauty.
Perhaps you could go to an art museum and preview a few relief sculpture.....ask your students to keep those pictures in mind...for you want them to recreate some of those texture.

STEP 1: Things You Need

wall filler/ stucco
Card stock
aluminum foil /fork / any sculpting tool

STEP 2: Playing Texture

Now it's time to get dirty and play texture...
get your card stock and apply a generous amount of filler on it...spread it evenly and then tell the students to go wild!
They could use the best instrument God has given them (fingers!) and design their picture or use what ever they want..
we used a fork and a toy rake.
Show them the texture they can get by just slapping the picture side to side..with the fingers....this gives a raised wave look which is great for sea waves or mountains in relief sculpture.
At the  end of it would be amazed at the amount of texture the students came up with...even pebbles were embedded!

STEP 3: Paint!

Now is the time to experiment with colors.... Give students the primary colors Red, yellow and blue and let them experiment. Explain about warm and cool colors....
In the first sample i told them to paint a dash of yellow randomly and then gave them a dark blue to paint... a lovely turquoise was discovered! ask the students what this texture would look good in...we got suggestions of sea , clouds and so on

Using aluminum foil- On the card embedded with aluminum foil we kind of had to dab dab and dab till we got a look we liked...if we had painted it only black and then rubbed it with a cloth it would have had a forged metal look...but...the students wanted to try all colors! and we finally ended with what you see :-)

Click on the pictures to see the different colors we used for each texture!

of you have to teach the importance of cleaning up! err do we hear a few groans?

Once that is out of the way you could make a  wall mural ,or cards, book marks:-)   ....hmmm perhaps in the next lesson??

Please let me know of any improvements or leave pictures in the comments below...and of course vote if you like it :-)


What kind of paint did you use? Acrylic, water color, tempura?? Thanks so much - I love this idea!!

Did you let the wall filler dry before painting or paint while still wet?
As I was doing with kids I let the filler dry and then painted. This method is good when you are not sure of colors. But the disadvantage is if pieces are broken... The white would show.
Mixing the paint with the filler ( water based) will prevent this it would be colored inside as well.
Hope this helps :-)
There's practically infinite texture possibilities in this, even pressing your hands in the wet joint compound/gesso/whatever a bunch of times can result in an interesting texture as well, and kids aren't the only ones that like getting messy, grown-ups can have just as much fun making a mess as kids can.
Oh sooo true..haha..when .my husband sees me all messed up...he says 'Hmmm I see you seem not to have out grown your kiddy stage!'
That looks like awesome fun, and could make for some pretty cool texture art.
It is fun! and yes...I use this technique quite often for art :-)