I'm a mom of 4 and I love to craft! Anything and Everything interests me and i love to create in the process of learning.


1K+ Comments Earned a gold medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Flowers Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Flowers Challenge
Pocket-Sized Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Pocket-Sized Contest
Papercraft Contest 2017
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Papercraft Contest 2017
Quilling Contest 2016
Contest Winner First Prize in the Quilling Contest 2016
Rainbow Contest 2016
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Rainbow Contest 2016
String Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the String Challenge
Meal Prep Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Meal Prep Contest
Make It Glow! Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Make It Glow! Contest
Homemade Gifts Contest 2015
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Homemade Gifts Contest 2015
Preserve It! Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Preserve It! Contest
Crafting 101
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Crafting 101
Small Spaces Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Small Spaces Contest
Guerilla Design Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Guerilla Design Contest
Papercraft Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Papercraft Contest
Winter Wearables Contest
Contest Winner Fourth Prize in the Winter Wearables Contest
Zip It Good! Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Zip It Good! Contest
Hand Tools Only Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Hand Tools Only Contest
DIY University Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the DIY University Contest
Hair & Makeup Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Hair & Makeup Contest
Wheels Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Wheels Contest
Featured Author Contest: Tarun Upadhyaya
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Featured Author Contest: Tarun Upadhyaya
Glue Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Glue Contest
Jewelry Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Jewelry Contest
April Fool's Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the April Fool's Contest
Pi Day Pie Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Pi Day Pie Contest
Home Remedies Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Home Remedies Contest
Kite Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Kite Contest
I Could Make That Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the I Could Make That Contest
Indian Cuisine Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Indian Cuisine Contest
Craft Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Craft Contest
Jewelry Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Jewelry Contest
Snack Food
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Snack Food
Redneck Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Redneck Contest
Bread Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Bread Contest
3rd Annual Make It Stick Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the 3rd Annual Make It Stick Contest
Back to School Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Back to School Contest
Chicken Recipes Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Chicken Recipes Contest

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