Show Your Enthusiasm With an Ubuntu Linux Mousepad!


Intro: Show Your Enthusiasm With an Ubuntu Linux Mousepad!

I needed a new mouse pad so i got a black one from the store.  It was just a blank one so i wanted to give it a decal.  So from the same store i got a few other supplies for the project but most important was a metallic silver permanent marker.  Sharpie used to make them but i guess they don't anymore?  Any way i went home and i printed out the decal i wanted which was the Ubuntu logo.  I glued it too a piece of cereal box card board and using a knife i carefully removed the parts i wanted making a quick stencil.  I aligned the stencil so it was in the middle and i drew in the logo.  Now it needs to dry so it doesn't rub off on anything but when its all done it will be really cool.


yeah lately I've been using Linux mint. it still works with all my favorite programs and unity isn't all over it. man I hate unity. mint is also green and that has always been my favorite color so that's cool.

I started off using Ubuntu, but have since moved to Arch.

That could also work for Fedora, Debian, RHEL, CentOS, Manjaro, Sabayon, whatever distro you're a fan of too.