Stone / Pebble Toilet - Mat


Intro: Stone / Pebble Toilet - Mat

Here's my new bathroom accessoir - okay it's not that new - I had it now for over 20 months to check if it works - and it does - so it's approved for an instructable :)

The toilet mat with stones/ pebbles from my "house-lake"

easy to make and inexpensive!

STEP 1: Searching for Pebbles

if you have any kind of lake or river nearby, go there, and search for beautiful and flat stones / pebbles.

- you'll need sizes between 0,5 inches and 2 inches.

STEP 2: Materials

you'll need:

-the pebbles and stones you collected

-an anti-slip mat grey or black

-hot-glue gun and matching glue-sticks

-a newspaper

-a marker



-a sheet of baking paper

STEP 3: Measuring

measure around your toilet

take a sheet of newspaper and lay/wrap it around, mark it and cut out. - see the pictures

or easier: if you have a already fittig toilet-mat, take that one as pattern.

STEP 4: Design Issues

if you're done with the previous step let's talk about design :)

choose every shape you desire...

cut out the newspaper - pattern and place it on your anti-slip mat, take a marker and well mark it :)

STEP 5: Cut Out and Check

cut out and check the design once more

when you're pleased it's time for the next step!

STEP 6: Let's Rock

take the sheet of baking paper and place it on your workspace ( the glue won't stick to that)

ensure good ventilation at your workspace - the anti-slip mat melts under the glue

warm up your glue gun and begin.

simply put some glue on the stones and press them on the anti-slip mat.
it's as easy as it sounds :)

this might take a while - just keep going!


Finally all pebbles are in place :)


now take your cutter and remove all unneccesary glue.


take the mat and move it to your bathroom - it's kinda heavy but you don't have to move it that often.

a piece of cardbord as support for moving - if you now absolutely have to- works great.

Cleaning of the mat:

vaccum cleaner with low suction works great
then you can clean it with water and a sponge.

I have this mat since 20 months in use, and only 2 of the smaller pebbles got loose, i glued them back with super-strong glue and since this they are sturdy as rocks :)


That looks beautiful. Well done!
Thanks for the cleaning tip - I had been wondering.
You’re welcome!
This would come in very handy in a household with hit-or-miss youngsters! I imagine one could hose it down in an emergency! Very nice!
Total agreement!
Neat texture, local supplies, contextual, durable, and best of all, CREATIVE!
Why not? It's beautiful.
Because it looks cool!