Super Easy Way to Organize Safety Pins!!


Intro: Super Easy Way to Organize Safety Pins!!

This Instructable will show you a super easy way to keep safety pins neat and oranized

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STEP 1: Gather Safety Pins

1. Gather up any loose safety pins you have lying around your house

STEP 2: Pin Safety Pins Together

1. Take one safety pin and open it

  • Try to use the largest safety pin you can find

2. Put other safety pins onto the opened safety pin

  • Put each safety pin on using the hole at the bottom
  • Keep going until you have just enough room to close the opened safety pin

3. Repeat

  • Repeat until all the safety pins are pinned together neatly
  • When finished you can store the safety pins in a small container or zip lock bag


I can not find these safety pins anywhere. Can you help me? Where do you buy yours?
Thank you,
Hi. I have been struggling to find this word for many years but what do you call a group of pins organized like this?
I've never thought about it to be honest

I usually just throw them in an empty pill bottle.

Old ideas are still new to many people. That is why we still have schools, books, the Internet & each other. Every generation learns from different sources. Thank you for sharing, Cayla.

Old, old, .....old, very old idea !