The Ascender Paper Airplane


Intro: The Ascender Paper Airplane

In the video Robbie the Robot Lamp Demonstrates how to Fly The Ascender!

Here is a nice, simple paper airplane anyone can make.

Here is a link to print off some directions and template

Grab some paper and have some fun!

For over 800 FREE paper airplane designs, check out my site at

STEP 1: Step 1

Start with a copy of the plane, a scissors and a roll of clear tape.

STEP 2: Step 2

Fold the top of the paper down to the center line, and give it a good crease.

STEP 3: Step 3

Fold the left corner over to the vertical center line, and crease.

STEP 4: Step 4

Fold the right corner over to the vertical center line, and crease.

STEP 5: Step 5

Fold the top triangle down along the center line.

STEP 6: Step 6

Fold the left side over to and even with the right side.

STEP 7: Step 7

Cut out the "X" areas as shown, and recycle the scraps.

STEP 8: Step 8

Fold the top wing and tail to the left as shown.

STEP 9: Step 9

Flip over and fold the wing and tail to the right on the other side.

STEP 10: Step 10

Tape the nose closed.

STEP 11: Step 11

Pop the wings up a little, and throw it with a slight downwards angle, and watch The Ascender scale to new heights!


For Over 800 FREE paper airplane designs, check out my website at


i love robbie the robot lamp
Glad you like him! here is a webpage with his vital info....

Glad you like him! here is a webpage with his vital info....

thanks dude
i might make a cupple of adjustments though
Thanks! No problem, make all the changes you want! that is the best thing about paper airplanes....make a change, don't like it? then all you are out is a sheet of paper!
have fun!
dean :)
 thats awsome..... I thought the robie lamp thing was a working robot... oh well
Sorry, it isn't...but I bought it at Lowe's some time might still be available there! 
holy incredibly bad stop motion bat man try taking more pictures is wont be as skippy
Oh come on, it does the trick. This isn't a stop motion video instructable, it's a paper airplane making instructable, with some additional creative media.
I agree (i am a stopmotionist)
i dissagree...reeding! if ur soo smart... make an instrucible on how u make paper airplanes fly in stop motion! u did a good job teh flying plane
i don't really have a camera anymore
how do you make the robot lamp
I did not make the lamp, sorry. I bought it. You can buy it too. There is a link for purchasing it thru amazon on my page here.

You also might be able to purchase it at Lowe's Hardware, if there is a store near you
its like nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the light guy looks like the pixar one
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