The Ferris Wheel Adventure (A Pinka Story)


Intro: The Ferris Wheel Adventure (A Pinka Story)

It is time to get the "Pinka Collection" online!

Pinka Stories were written for my out-of-town grandchildren, Malcolm and Rowan. Therefore, the main characters are usually Pinka, Malcolm Owl and Rowan Owl.

Most of the stories began with a video chat. I had an elaborate setup, with good lighting and hundreds of tiny props. We told the story during the video chat, then I took pictures and made the little printable booklet.

They aren't great literature. But they were fun. And they are mail-able. And now they are free here on the Instructables website. I hope many more children will enjoy them.

For more information about Pinka, as Gilderoy Lockhart said, "See my collected works...."

(Here on the Instructables website:

When the Pinka stories were created, I was constantly looking for new props to make the stories more exciting for Malcolm and Rowan. The Sodor ferris wheel was a thrift store find. It wasn't really big enough for Pinka and friends, but we improvised!

STEP 1: Download

Download the file. Here it is:

STEP 2: Print

Of course, color printing is best!

STEP 3: Fold It Into a Booklet

I don't plan to repeat these steps every time I publish another Pinka book. These instructions work fine:


STEP 4: Tape Inner Pages

The Ferris Wheel Adventure is a sixteen-page story, so the two little booklets need to be taped together.

I like to use the nice wide packaging tape, but regular tape works, too.

Place the two booklets side-by-side, with the INSIDE pages face up.


STEP 5: Trim


STEP 6: Tape Along the Spine

Press the two booklets together tightly. Tape along the spine. Trim again.

STEP 7: Read!

Read the story. Change the words if you want. Have fun.

Make up your own Pinka stories.

Make your own Pinka: