The Secrets of Schnitzels


Intro: The Secrets of Schnitzels

Schnitzel is my favorite comfort food, and one of the common dishes in Israel.
It comes in different sizes, and variables seasoning, but it all comes down to a very tasty, easy to make dish.

STEP 1: The Coating - Prepare All Your Ingredients

1 - a plate with all purpose white flour

2 - a bowl with 3 eggs

3 - a plate with bread cramps

in the bowl with eggs:
a. Brake 3 eggs into a bowl.
b. Add your desired seasoning: Salt & pepper, fresh chopped garlic, onion powder, paprika, Tabasco...(Seasoning can be changed according to your personal preferences)
c. Steer

STEP 2: The Coating - Cover the Breasts

1. Cut the chicken breasts - to desired size

2. Cover each of the breasts lightly with flour, shake it to remove extra flour coverage

3. Dip flour covered chicken into the egg bowel for a few minutes

4. Take one piece of chicken out of the egg bowl and cover thoroughly with bread cramps

5. Put a side on a plate

STEP 3: Deep Fry and Than Eat!

1. Warm oil in a medium/large pot to medium/high temp

2. Put a piece of carrot in to prevent oil from getting burned

3. Deep chicken breasts in (not to many) make sure that they have enough space

4. Wait until their color is golden brown (3-6 minutes)

5. Remove from pot and place on a plate with paper towel

6. Eat with lemon, ketchup or just plain

7. Enjoy!


I may be mistaken but I thought that schnitzels were traditionally pounded thin not cut thin. My grandmother is German and that's what she always did.

Those are two different ways of making it, Total different taste

umm schnitzel is GERMAN not Israeli. i lived in both germany and austria and it is the national food there. so it's pretty much of a central european food. probably the israeli's adapted it from germany because most of the jews in israel were the ones who escaped from germany because of ww2. thus the german jews in israel continued on making the schnitzels :D
Jews can't eat pork. Schnitzels are pork. so no, That's probably not how it happened.
Schnitzels are traditionally make with veal.
Jews can eat whatever they want. Some choose not to eat pork due to religious dietary restrictions.
schnitzl could also be chicken breasts. go to austria and ull learn ;)
sorry, I never knew that. The only kind I've ever eaten was pork, in austria and germany. but you're right, I'm sure with not being able to eat pork the jews probably thought of their own variants of this =]
haha ja but actually the chicken schnitzel wasnt the jews creation either. wiener schnitzel is originally and traditionally veal, but also sometimes chicken, and pork is the more modern kinda schnitzel ;) so chicken and veal came out long before the pork one, just wasnt so popular. but actually i havent tried either cause im vegetarian and all lol
in the coating you can also cut some parsley, parmeggiano. bon apeti
Always use dry, not fresh breadcrumbs for the best result. Another delicious variation is Chicken liver schnitzel.
Can anyone explain how the carrot stops the oil from burning?
As you may have found out: Schnitzel sounds german and was already mentioned in a speech in the movie "The Great Dictator" from 1940. (Eder Strabnitz hüppensett! Der Wiener Schnitzel mit de Lavignetten und de Sauerkraut! In Tomania wir sei straff.)

Nearly all german 3rd class "Restaurants" (mostly called "Gaststätte" or "Imbiss") serve different kinds of Schnitzel, favorite ones are:
- Schnitzel (plate size from pork)
- Wiener Schnitzel (should be veal, but I think you get pork)
- Jägerschnitzel ("Hunter"-Schnitzel, with mushrooms)
- Zigeunerschnitzel ("Gypsy"-Schnitzel, with Paprika)
Hi germanudo, I DO live in Germany... aber Du hast Recht: Schnitzel gibts nicht nur in fiesen Autobahnraststätten - in den 5-Sterne-Edelfresstempeln muss das Zeug aber erst noch wieder neu entdeckt werden. Vielleicht passiert ihm ähnliches wie der Currywurst in Düsseldorf: mit Blattgold serviert, dass mitgegessen wird... herzliche Grüße aus der Sprottenmetropole Kiel, protopixel
Na das hoert sich ja lustig an. Wat Blattgold. Verpacken die das jetzt in gold und verlangen 95 Muecken fuerne Currywurst? War seit sechs jahren nicht mehr in D-Land . Wenn das mit der Currywurst stimmt, bin ich ja echt froh das ich da weg big. Schoene Gruesse nach Kiel. Udo
Vergoldete Zurrywurst kostet nur wenig mehr als ueblich - dachte aber, dass das mit dem Blatttogld ein Trend aus den US and A sei... Downtown Manhattan, Beverly Hills oder so...
(mit den Meeresfruechten hab ich das nicht so - mir reicht die frische Seeluft =Fischpups)
Grüße übern Teich
Ne dat kommt nich von hier. Die meissten wissen gar nicht was Bratwurst ist oder wie man die anrichtet. Da giebts doch echt Leute hier, die ziehen der Wurst die pelle ab oder kochen die Bratwurst. Wird sich aber bald aendern, bin dabei nen fahrbaren Frittencontainer zu bauen. Und im Sommer wirds die erste Frittenbude auf nem Boot geben (wenn alles klapt). Ich werde der Currywurst zum Weltruhm verhelfen, haha Bist Du nur so hier auf der Seite oder bastels Du auch? Ich finde die Seite ich genial, hab schon nen paar sachen gefunden, die ich unbedingt bauen muss. z.B Den Laser in der Maglight. Also, bis demnaechst. Udo
Viel Erfolg mit dem Fritten-Container (soll das so eine Art semi-mobiler Imbisswagen werden?)! Ich bastel auch ein wenig, hab aber beruflich eher mit kuriosen Visualisierungen zu tun (Werbeagentur). Neulich haben wir einen tragbaren Miniatur-Campingplatz in einem Koffer eingebaut (war ein Gag für einen Kunden, der Wohnwagen und Reisemobile herstellt) Ich finde hier interessante Inspirationen für Seminare und zum sogenannten "reverse engineering", also auf welchen grundsaetzlichen Gedanken Innovationen basieren - daraus kann man rueckwaerts gesehen Fragen formulieren, die bei Erfindungen in anderen Gebieten helfen. Beispiel: "Mit welchem ueblicherweise nicht-essbaren Material kann man Lebensmittel aufwerten?" - Currywurst mit Blattgold. Naja und dann muss das ganze noch allgemeiner formuliert werden... Gruesse von der Kueste (muss ja mit Umlauten vorsichtig sein) Lutz
Ach ich hab noch was vergessen, Paprika nennt sich hier Bell Pepper. Man lernt ja nie aus. Schick mir doch bitte mal nen paar gerauecherte Aale, Makrelen und nen paar sprotten. Haha.
The next time you go to germany, you should go in a 5 Star restaurant and you will see, they serve Schnitzel too. It is not a poor people food. Just a real common dish, and like here in the USA you can get a Burger at Mac D or in a real Restaurant.
WOW! I saw your recipie and I had to try it. I left the onions out because my girlfriend doesnt like them but everything else worked great. This was my first attempt to fry anything and man was I pleased. I misunderstood your oil heating instructions and expected the oil to be boiling to let me know when it was ready. I dropped a small piece of chicken in and it started to sizzle. I made two batches one with the hot oil, they turned out looking like yours, dark brown. Another with slightly cooler oil that turned a light golden color. both were really good and I can't say I perfer either over the other. The golden ones just look a little better. anyways, thanks for the awesome recipie. I'm going to start experimenting with it and see where it takes me :)
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