Unisex Dead Coffin Pendant


Intro: Unisex Dead Coffin Pendant

This is a spooky Unisex Dead Coffin Pendant that can be wear to have a scary fashion or in the Halloween season. This is very light weight, beautiful and terrifying piece of jewelry.

It's a bit of a messy project, but cheap and simple. Just follow the easy steps and make one for your own. The Pendant is mainly made out of Ice-cream sticks, old Chain and Earring stuffs.

STEP 1: Preparing the Coffin Box

I made this Coffin box using regular Ice-cream sticks. Here I cut the sticks very thin to give better real look. Then glued the sticks together and then cut them according to the all Coffin side, up and down shape.

STEP 2: Making the Coffin Box

Next, I used some Foam tape on all the sides to easily attach the box side walls. Also I applied good glue on the edges and support them using paper tape.

STEP 3: Making Coffin Box Cover

STEP 4: Adding Side Batens

Next, I cut some small stick pieces and glued onto the top and side of the Coffin box.

Also a Cross to the top of the cover.

STEP 5: Making the Lock

To add some extra details in the Coffin box, I made a small Lock to wrapped around the Coffin box with the help of a chain.

STEP 6: Coloring

Then I colored the Coffin box and the Lock in dark fantasy color and let it dry.

STEP 7: Adding Chain and Lock

To add the small Lock, I used an old Chain and wrapped around the Coffin box. Then colored them in dark to match the theme.

STEP 8: Making the Hook

Here, I made a custom Hook with aluminium wire to fit in the Coffin box so that the Chain can be inserted through it.

Next I attached the Jump-ring to it.

STEP 9: Installing the Hook

Now, I drilled a small hole in the top of the Coffin box and fixed the Hook in it. Then I inserted the Chain through the Jump-ring and tighten too the other end.

And thus our Pendant is now ready.

STEP 10: Final Product

Thus, our beautiful miniature Unisex Dead Coffin Pendant is now ready to use. Wear this unique piece of Necklace and get ready for a spooky event or fashion.

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