

Inbox View Profile
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Handmade crafts and products that I make using recycled or waste, cheap and easy to available materials. Also custom products are made using a mix of materials.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Text Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Text Contest
Books and Bookshelves Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Books and Bookshelves Contest
Jewelry Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Jewelry Contest
Halloween Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Halloween Contest
Make it Glow Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Glow Contest
Clocks Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Clocks Contest
Organization Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Organization Challenge
Puzzles Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Puzzles Challenge
Lamps Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Lamps Challenge
Pumpkin Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Pumpkin Challenge
Origami Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Origami Speed Challenge
Make it Glow Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Glow Contest
PVC Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the PVC Speed Challenge
Hide It Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Hide It Challenge
Tiny Things Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Tiny Things Speed Challenge
Audio Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Audio Challenge
Stone, Concrete, Cement Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Stone, Concrete, Cement Challenge
Pets Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Pets Challenge
Explore Science Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Explore Science Challenge
Clocks Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Clocks Speed Challenge

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