Why You Should Make a Mosquito Trap


Intro: Why You Should Make a Mosquito Trap

With the ever present fear of mosquito borne disease prevalent in the world these days, maybe it's time to get back to the simplest solutions.

Building a personal mosquito trap is easy, and should be something any community concerned within infestations of disease carrying mosquitoes.

This design is straightforward, uses multiple triggers to attract mosquitoes.


Mosquitoes are drawn to the smell of CO2, thinking it's coming from animals they can get blood from.

They're also drawn to the warmth of the trap, especially when it gets cooler in the evening.

They are also attracted to dark colors, and dark holes which they use as hiding areas during times they don't want to fly (rain, mid-day etc.)

For personal protection from biting insects, see my post on a Spice Based Natural Insect Repellent.


STEP 1: Materials

Plastic Bottle (Found bottles are a good way to recycle.)

Yeast (Most yeasts should work, experiment to see which you prefer.)

Sugar (Use any natural sweetener, brown sugar, honey or even syrup if that's all you have, any sugary fruit juice could also substitute when diluted.

Water (Filtered water is best, as it has fewer ways to attack the yeast, but use what is available.)

STEP 2: Extra Supplies

Pan for heating water, kettle for boiling, etc.

Cutting Tool

Construction Paper, newspaper, paper bag, cardboard box., etc.

STEP 3: Cut the Bottle

Cut the bottle around a third of the way down, giving yourself a funnel with a lip the size of the remaining bottle.

Invert the top into the base.

STEP 4: Secure the Top

Secure the top of the bottle to the base, ensuring a secure seal.


In a pan, cup, can or other receptacle, pour some sugar.

Either boil some water, pour water in the pan and cook it over heat, or otherwise let the sugar dissolve.

Allow the mixture to cool, or you may add water to bring down the temperature to below 90 F (32 C).

STEP 6: Add Water and Yeast

The bottle is filled with the sugar water solution.

Pour the Activated Yeast in the bottle.

The Yeast will begin to dissolve, and begin to multiply while consuming the sugar.

STEP 7: Fermentation Begins

Here is how the yeast begins to break apart and ferment.

STEP 8: Cover the Bottle

Cover the bottle with a dark piece of paper, or place it in a paper bag, or a box. You'll want to place it in something which will act as a heater, to keep the water warm.

STEP 9: The Finished Trap

The trap is now complete.

That's the business end of this inexpensive piece of protection.

Now it's time to put it to good use.

STEP 10: Select Your Location

You should place the trap in locations of your yard that are away from congregation areas.

In fence corners, behind bushes, or behind sheds are optimal spots.

For optimal use, keep the level of the water from dropping, and replace the water and clean the trap every two weeks, or as required.

The upkeep of this device is minimal, but the effects on your health could be immeasurable.


All you have to do is carry 1 or 2 fabric druer sheets in your pocket. THey stay away. Everybody is happy.

Doesn't work. Stop spreading this nonsense when lives are at stake, please.

Look what I found out.

The Zika scare was used to encourage people to douse themselves with mosquito repellent. Most people use a DEET based repellent.


September 07, 2016

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Tags: #DEET, #neurotoxin, #Zikavirus

"I've just released a hard-hitting mini-documentary that explains how DEET insecticide is one part of a binary chemical weapon that targets your brain for destruction.

The other part of that chemical weapon is found in carbamate pesticides which inundate the non-organic food supply. Once you combine these two, you get hypertoxicity to brain cells via "acetylcholesterase inhibitor chemicals," leading to mass confusion, fear, memory loss and an inability to think for yourself.

This video explains why the mainstream media is urging everyone to spray DEET all over their skin while carbamate pesticide chemicals are carpet bombed onto civilian populations (and the food supply). It's all a deliberate act of chemical warfare against YOU, and it's being waged for a specific purpose that's explained at length in the video. (Hint: It's no coincidence a major presidential election that depends on dumbed down voters is taking place in less than 70 days...)"

Thanks Paul, I will try this out! :D

I have had some success with a similar trap for yellow jackets, made from instructions posted here, with red wine and dish soap as the liquid inside the trap. When put near a nest, results were reasonable. However, I wanted to try near a set of garbage cans at the orchard where I work. These cans get used cider cups, ice cream plates, half-gnawed apples and the like, and the wasps ignored the trap completely. It seems that the garbage pails were the greater draw.

I have also seen many comments on many websites both extolling the soda bottle trap and condemning it as a waste and a fraud. As an alternative, here is an article on the Smithsonian website about a trap, made from an old tire, tested by scientists with excellent results in Guatemala. The comments sections is also worth reading. I have not tried this yet, as I have no old tires around.


Just making sure I understand.
1. When you made the instructable you had never done this before
2. When you made the instructable you had not checked if these work
3. You don't actually have many mosquitos in your area

It seems like maybe this wasn't the best thing to make an instructable on. Even more so after the lack of results. At the very least I'd suggest a VERY large disclaimer saying that you've never done this and are just following others' instructions from several years ago on facebook. I'd also suggest that you moderate your claims, such as "uses multiple triggers to attract mosquitos." Instructables that fail to work and get publicity hurt the website.

Hello i'm a vegan and i of corse prefer to not kill even insects if possible and i have found alternatives that work better and are completely safe. I just give non poisonous spiders amnesty to immigrate into my house.They love catching mosquitos qnd never tire of it. You just vacume up the husks and wipe area below where the spider goes potty and your all done.:) It never becomes spiderland because at least once a month a jumbo wolf spider will come hunting and eat all the other spiders and anything else and then move on to the next house. Then yes thar's right there is another spider immigration. Completely free and all natural.:) Works much better than poisons and is all natural and you make some insect friends along the way.;)

I'm sorry you got bullied here. They don't see that the reason you said you're vegan was to show one of your reasons for not killing.

Thank you for your support my friend, very courageous of you.

Nobody wants to know if your vegan or not, sorry but please stay focused on the main subject, getting rid of those blood suckers.

Yes sir you are right but that is the whole problem,Seeing insects as the enemy will prevent you from seeing insects as the solution. I hope you have a good day sir, sorry if my answer upset you.

Spiders aren't insects, Joshua

You are completely right, i just didn't want to get to specific and off topic. Thank you for the correction tbough.:)

you know there is no reason to be nasty,Joshua was just making a comment so apologise please

Cant believe this is still bothering people, thats maybe the reason everything is becoming worse, we are just trying to fix things in the past, which happened a long time ago, instead we should look up ahead and do better for things who are about to come.

but if it pleases you I accept your apology and back apologise for my mean words. Of course my reaction must have a direct relation to the dead of my brother who died in 2009 by a tragic accident.

I'm so sorry to hear of the tragic loss of yout brother. I wish he was still with us. Since your still naturaly upset by his loss i would like to suggest you create a face book memorial page or profile for him.in this way he will always exist and never truly disappear, and best of all new people will get an opportunity to know what he was like and how special he was. Take care my friend.:)

so sorry for your loss

I'd rather have mosquitoes than wolf spiders in my house. Yikes!

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