Get Rid of Pests


Intro: Get Rid of Pests

this is going to be a guide on how to get rid of or scare away small pest including; birds, coons, and even muskrats.

STEP 1: Were to Look for the Creatures

First of all, All animals need; Shelter, food, and water to survive. Solook at the places around that are most abundant with these resources

STEP 2: Were to Hit Them

I would suggest for finches get them right in the lung were the wing rests when not in flight. For muskrats and coons I would suggest getting a very powerful gun like the winchester 800X from very powerful can be used to take out everything. As for placing the shot around the lungs again I've found works

STEP 3: Scaring Them Away

This only works with birds. Another Idea would be to Kill one bird and hang it from its legs. Other birds see the dead bird and run thinking it means death will come

STEP 4: Last Resort

For the last resort I would sugest hiring the locall farm kid with a pellet gun because they live with pest and make a living shooting them. Also a plus bonus is you can hire them for how many birds they shoot for 5 bucks a bird or 10 bucks for small mammals. and it's cheaper then hiring a proffensional exterminater

Hope you enjoyed the instructable it's my first so Hope it helps as well


dont look for them wait til they cause harm to you or your property then you dont kill radom things
Pest control should be left to trained specialists. Not teens on the internet. *The more you know!*
Or at least a few good cats ......
Cats with machine guns. We have a deal. I'll draw up the plans, you get me some coffee.
Are you sure about that machine gun? when you could use a Death Ray.... And we could even enter it in the Let It Glow contests, once for the Cat and once for the smoldering carcasses it leaves behind... That way we'll both win .....
Cats and death rays don't mix. Tried that once back in 'nam, and it didn't blow over to hot.
Wht do you need to hire someone when you have a pellet gun though
People are saying that it's not right, but it's true. Shootin' 'em is the only way to get rid of varmits, especially out in the country. The cute 'coon or fox gets much less cute after he's ripped up your garbage or left rotting small carcasses all over the place. Then they're a health risk. Get a couple of dead squirrels and a dead bird in your backyard, full of maggots and breeding flies, and you'll be reaching for a .22, too.
you're right dude because I have a horrible finch problem. The finches attract hawks and vultures which go after our chickens.
The reason we have pests is leash laws. Used to be that there'd not be a patch of woods within ten miles of town that didn't have pre-teen boys with their .22s and their dogs poking around. They didn't actually kill many of the pests, but they'd keep them from nesting. But now we keep our dogs on leashes, and our kids on leashes, and we're facing the consequences.
Thats just a little rude about farm kids because they don't make a living killing them. Also small birds like finches aren't pests to most people.
.......potato guns are fun and a less dangerous way to scare them off, and you don't necessarily have to blow their guts out...... ......or just fire your gun in the air and go ahhhhhhhh.........