How to Change a Diaper


Intro: How to Change a Diaper

Here's a quick guide to changing a diaper. What would seem at first to be a frighteningly hideous task turns out not to be that difficult at all.

STEP 1: Locate a Baby

If you find a baby that is squirming around and making loud shrieking noises, you may want to check to see whats going on under neath all those cute fooffy baby clothes. Chances are, you may have a mess on your hands. You can't really tell by looking them in the face because they don't really make a big deal out of it usually.

STEP 2: Don't Worry...just Take a Look

Although you never know what you may find inside a diaper, usually it's not that bad. Depending upon what type of outfit the baby may be wearing, you'll need to locate the "diaper area". Unzip, unfasten or unbutton all clothing until you get to something that looks like this. This puffy thing covering the junction between the torso and the legs is called the "Diaper area". This is the area that may need some attention.

STEP 3: Remove the Offending Diaper

This step involves taking quick action in removing the soiled diaper. Once the shock and awe of this step is over, it becomes fairly apparent what needs to be done.....pretty much just do the best you can to pull the two sticky tabs located on the front of the diaper open and grab that thing, ball it up and fling it somewhere quick. Try to remember where you throw it because after the whole deal is over, you'll need to find a more appropriate place for it to go. maybe a trash can or a nearby high temperature hazardous waste incinerator.

STEP 4: Grab Em by Their Feet

after you've removed the offending diaper, you'll need to get a good grip on the little neonate so you can clean up any unusual substances that may still be clinging to the "diaper area".

STEP 5: Baby Wypes....

Apparently, babys need wiping down a whole lot so you may as well go out and buy a nice package of pre-moistened towells. Although you could just use old tee shirts, raggs, leaves or moss, its a good idea to take advantage of all the fresh smelling baby products that are available at many stores....... Surprisingly enough, until you happen to have a baby, you may not have even been aware of their existence.

STEP 6: Wipe Em Down

here's where you just have to do the best you can. Just clean up anything that you think shouldn't be on a baby. If you notice any redness, you may want to go easy on that area. You still need to somehow get that area clean but you may be dealing with something called "diaper rash". Don't panic, all you need to do is find some diaper rash cream and put a little on that area.

STEP 7: Powder

At this point, you may want to snake a little baby powder on the "diaper area". I don't think you can use too much so just shake it until the "diaper area" turns white.

STEP 8: Great....

if the baby is a boy, something like this may happen. In this case, you'll need to go back to step 4.

STEP 9: Lay Out Your Diaper

find a diaper and lay it out like this:

STEP 10: Install the Diaper

scoot the baby around and try to cover the "diaper area" with the diaper.

STEP 11: Fasten the Diaper Sides

open the taps on each side of the diaper and just press them over the front portion of the diaper. They should stick.

STEP 12: Secure the Sides

I usually go left to right but you may want to go right to left every once in a while just to break up the monotony and keep them guessing.

STEP 13: The Finishing Touch

Now you can fold down the front part of the diaper so that it will give them a little more wiggle room. Babies like to wiggle so what ever you can do to make it easier on them will help.

STEP 14: Install Clothes

you're mostly done but just to make them fit into western society, you'll need to install some sort of clothing. I find these things called "onesies" to be very stylish. Just bundle them up and try your best to work them over the baby's head.

STEP 15: Snap Em Up...

The "onesies" normally have snaps or buttons along the "lower diaper area" and because of all the wiggling that they do, you'll need to secure these so it will not work it's way over the babys' head again.

STEP 16: Almost Done...

if things work out, they should start looking something like this:

STEP 17: Add Some Pants

Since modern fashion trends do not encourage wearing pants with built in shoes, take advantage of societies willingness to overlook this.

STEP 18: Done

now you can pick them up and give them to their mother knowing that you've done just about all you can do.


As a nanny to two little boys, I have a few suggestions to add to this. To avoid step 8, a handy cloth diaper can be thrown over the little squirter while the new disposable is readied. Apparently they're also making little cup things, but a cheap rag will do the job just as well. Second, powder really isn't necessary. However, if you do use powder, make sure it's cornstarch based and not talc - talc can actually cause respiratory problems in babies. If you're worried about diaper rash, a good dollop of Desitin with every change will help more than powder. If they do develop a rash, some naked time every day will help it clear up faster than any ointment - get a big sheet (picnic sheets that are waterproof on one side are great), put it on the floor, add nude infant and toys (this is best done right after a "number two" to avoid any complications) and after a few sessions that rash should be all cleared up.
great comments. :)
Maybe I'll try that.........a little naked time while I'm at the office sounds like a good idea. I'll ask my assistant to hold my calls and hang a curtain over my office door. Maybe we could institute naked Fridays at the office as well. Thanks,

well my boy still wets the bed (he's 7) and now I were one to bed other wise he feels imbarrest and now I have started to fill the diaper up with ones and twos then in the morning we change them together, when he's at his dads I dont were one and don't wet the bed but if I don't wear one he won't. I don't mined sleeping in the diaper or waking up with a poo in my diaper (I quite like it) but I have started a relation ship and don't want to tell him. He is comming round tomorrow so please help?

An addendum to this step should be to do what I have done with my son. He is convinced that his mother is an obvious sucker so he only pulls this trick with her. I've always been prepared for the eventuality and stopped his play in its tracks, so he eventually gave up on the effort.
He still gets his mom on a regular basis. Extra points if she is all dressed up and ready to go somewhere.
Haha, cant tell you how many times I've had this happen, even when I was prepared for it with using something to cover it up while I got things ready.
Oh the horror stories are coming back. Have you ever had a kid that peed on his own face while simultaneously pooping in your hand? Not pretty.
Locate baby, lol. Anyway, don't they teach you how to do that at the hospital? But then again, diaper changing isn't like brain surgery.
yeah step 8 happens as much with girls as it does boys keep a spare baby grow handy, girls just happen to get most of it down themselfs. you can swap possitioning of nappy before applying sudocrem or talc, stop the girlies peeing on themselfs. or you could do the easiest thing in the world and not have kids. ps i am a proud father other. than that spot on after a few times folloing a plan an you ll become a pro
Talcum powder is not a good thing to use on babies, it's actually toxic and any injested into their lungs can cause problems later in life, it's so light and airborne that you can't help but breathe it in. CORN STARCH is the thing to use and be sparing with any products.
ha, that baby looks so funny! he looks like, "hmmmmm?!!?"
Make sure that it's corn flour based, not talc! Using talc down there can lead to cancer in latter life according to a local medical research facility.
wooooof! you don't want cancer "down there"

              That would not be fun!
I agree with the idea to censor or pixelate step #8, only for the purpose of preventing it from being labeled as "child porn" by someone. Also, many boys spray because of the cold air hitting the skin inside of the diaper. Simple solution. Lift the front for a few seconds and recover with the same diaper front when he starts. It takes a few extra moments, but it's easier than fighting with another cloth if he's a squirmer!
Ah, so full of bad chemicals for baby!.. Why not use cloth wipes and a spray bottle filled with water and a squirt of baby wash
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