Introduction: Voice Controlled Mushroom

About: Self learning person dreaming of engineering

This project is a mix of 3D printing and Arduino.

I hereby call this the Andromeda Kinoko

Step 1: Thingiverse

Start by going to thingiverse, here is my file,

Credit goes to Toshio Fuji for the kinoko design!!

Decide what colors you want your kinoko's, I chose to use my photo-chromatic PLA because I utilized UV led bulbs in the design.

Step 2: Breadboard

While your printer is working, all day, start making your breadboard.

Above is mine though I want to redo it and ensure all connectors are going into PWM outputs so that I can do more LED tricks like making them breathe.

I am using:

Arduino Uno

HC-05 bluetooth

USB to power at first

5 UV led bulbs

200 ohm resistor

Step 3: Portable

If able, utilize a 9v battery or 4 AA batteries to power your light around the house!

USB is only 5v, it is best to send 12v into arduino (so I am told)

Step 4: Bring It Together

Wire up your light and turn on your computer,..lets code!

I utilized a fellow Instructable member: ASCAS (thank you sir)

attached is the sketch to voice control your new kinoko (Japanese for mushroom) lamp!

The app I use to control the lamp is AMR_Voice easily found on app searches!

Have fun, let me know if you write some fun code for your kinoko!

Step 5: Make It Officaial

For not much money I was able to get a perf. board and make my first PCB. Just like making a breadboard but you get to learn how to solder and make jumpers!

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