Introduction: DIY a Smart Monitoring Device Based on Win10 IoT

About: Howdy, we are application engineers in Seeed. Sharing projects with the maker community is awesome. Hope you like it XD Seeed is the IoT hardware enabler providing services that empower IoT developers to swift…

I am very interested in Win10 IoT Core, and always want to make a project with it. So this time I’ll show you a project that can monitor the environment data such as soil moisture sound sensor temperature humidity and so on using Raspberry Pi3 which is running Win10 IoT Core.

Step 1: What Do We Need

Step 2: Wiring

Now, we should connect Grove Modules to Grove Pi as the picture below shows

Step 3: Setup for Raspberry Pi3

I have been running Win10 IoT on Raspberry Pi, you can put hand on here to get started with Windows 10 IoT Core.

I assume that you are already familiar with Win10 IoT Core and set up the development environment. Don’t forget connect an HDMI monitor to the HDMI port on the board.

1. Download the code from Github.

2. Click “Download zip” button on right side of webpage to download all codes.

3. Decompress the downloaded zip files and remove “-master” in decompressed file name.

4. GrovePiExamples(win10).sln.

5. Set the All_in_One project as StartUp Project and build it.

Step 4: Deploy Your App.

1. With the application open in Visual Studio, set the architecture in the toolbar dropdown. Select ARM.

2. Next, in the Visual Studio toolbar, click on the Local Machine dropdown and select Remote Machine.

3. At this point, Visual Studio will present the Remote Connections dialog. If you previously used PowerShell to set a unique name for your device, you can enter it here (in this example, we’re using my-device). Otherwise, use the IP address of your Windows IoT Core device. After entering the device name/IP select None for Windows Authentication, then click Select.

4. You can verify or modify these values by navigating to the project properties (select Properties in the Solution Explorer) and choosing the Debug tab on the left:

When everything is set up, you should be able to press F5 from Visual Studio. If there are any missing packages that you did not install during setup, Visual Studio may prompt you to acquire those now.

Step 5: Download the Drawing

The Shell part work is by my workmate Nosk, he is an intelligent designer, you can download his drawings as the picture believe shows by click here.

The following is the structure need to use

  • M2 screws * 92 pcs
  • M2.5 Rivets * 4 pcs
  • M3 screws * 12 pcs
  • M3 nut * 8 pcs
  • M2 studs * 46 pcs
  • M3 studs * 4 pcs

Step 6: Assembly Work

1. Fixing the studs on the bottom plate,the plate which have many holes is

bottom plate.

2. Start installed the hardware module one the corresponding studs, the corresponding position of the module in the following figure. Here we should note that, in order to facilitate future plug wire, you can advance to the USB cable and HDMI wire-bound

3. Well now begin to install shielding frame, try to cover the cable when installation of shielding box. so that the final product will be more concise.

4. Installation the side plate on bottom plate, then put the top plate cover it.

5. Build up the four corners of the shell.

6. Finally, install them and tighten.

Now the assembly work is done.

Step 7: The Result

If you deploy your APP successfully on Raspberry Pi3, run the app, you can see the info as the picture below shows on LCD screen.

Sensors Contest 2016

Participated in the
Sensors Contest 2016