Introduction: Makedo Robot Costume

About: Makedo is a series of safe cardboard construction tools purposely designed for kids to imagine and build the world they want to see.

From pumpkin carving to box carving! This halloween, get creative and make a unique costume using materials found around your home and reusable Makedo parts.

To make this Robot costume from the future, find a large box for the body, another for the head, some materials for decoration like foil trays and bottle caps, and of course think up some fun robot noises for when you are making. Beep-boop whrrrrr-Fwap!

Step 1:

To make the head of your Makedo Robot Costume, use the Makedo Safe-saw and cut out a large rectangular shape from the front of the box. This will be the mouth for your Robot and will frame your head.

Step 2:

Add features using foil trays, bottle caps and straws for its eyes and antenna.

Connect the features to the box using the Makedo Safe-saw to punch holes and attach using Makedo Re-clips.

Step 3:

Your largest box will become the body of the Robot. Use the Makedo Safe-saw and cut a circle on both sides of the box for your arms to fit through. Accessorize by connecting foil trays around the edge of the arm-hole using Makedo Re-clips.

Step 4:

Now for the fun part. Gather materials such as shoe boxes, plastic trays, bottle caps, CDs and foil trays to accessorize the body panel of your Robot. Position them on the body to a configuration of your liking.

Connect the accessories using Makedo Re-clips. Then place the head on the top of the body and use the Makedo Safe-saw to cut a hole in the top of the body box, the same size as the head box. Connect the two boxes together using Makedo Lock-hinges and Re-clips on the sides of the box.

Step 5:

Finally to complete the look of your Robot, draw on grills and temperature meters on the body.

Your Makedo Robot is now finished and ready for trick or treating!
For more character you can wear foil cuffs on your wrists or create carboard knee pads and boots to match your costume.

Halloween Easy Costumes Contest

Finalist in the
Halloween Easy Costumes Contest