Introduction: Supercapacitor Joule Thief

About: Awesome Electronics Tutorials, Projects and How To´s

In this project I will show you how I created a very popular and easy to build circuit, the joule thief, in order to power LEDs with voltages from 0.5V to 2.5V. This way less power from the used supercapacitor is unusable.

Step 1: Watch the Video!

The video should give you all the information you need to build your own joule thief. The next steps are just additional information to make your life easier.

Step 2: Order Your Parts!

Step 3: Build the Circuit!

After you wound your transformer, the way it was demonstrated in the video, you only need to create 5 solder joints according to the schematic to connect the components to one another. Feel free to change the value of the base resistor like I demonstrated it in the video.

Step 4: Success!

You did it! You just created your own Joule Thief!

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