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See some of my work here and as always accepting orders for custom design and fabrication as featured on Discovery Channel, Wired Magazine, Gizmodo, Engadget, Geekologie, PCWorld, CNet and many more - Pinterest away!


1K+ Comments Earned a gold medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Sandwich Challenge 2020
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Sandwich Challenge 2020
Meat Free Meal Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Meat Free Meal Challenge
Slow Cooker Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Slow Cooker Challenge
Science of Cooking
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Science of Cooking
Gluten Free Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Gluten Free Challenge
Valentine's Day Challenge 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Valentine's Day Challenge 2017
Meat Contest 2016
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Meat Contest 2016
Slow Food Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Slow Food Contest
Homebrew Contest 2016
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Homebrew Contest 2016
Preserve It! Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Preserve It! Contest
Italian Food Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Italian Food Contest
Metal Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Metal Challenge
The Mad Science Fair
Contest Winner Runner Up in the The Mad Science Fair
Cupcake Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Cupcake Contest
Spring Cleaning Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Spring Cleaning Contest
Wicked Lasers Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Wicked Lasers Contest
I Made It Photo Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the I Made It Photo Contest
Homemade Soup Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Homemade Soup Contest
What Can You Do with a Dremel Tool?
Contest Winner First Prize in the What Can You Do with a Dremel Tool?
Kinetic Sculpture Design Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Kinetic Sculpture Design Contest

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