Introduction: Paper Knex Target ( Ajustable Height )

About: i like destroying, fixing, making, altering, and customizing stuff. have really messy "workshop" (A.K.A room) and cant be bothered fixing it.

tired of shooting walls? This is a sturdy knex target good for when you just made a gun and want to test it. you can test acuracy and strength, aswell as improving your accuracy, or for good old having fun!

20 (minimum)blue snap connectors
4 purple snap connectors
4 yellow/grey
9 orange/black

20 (minimum)grey
6 red/green
2 yellow/black
4 white

Step 1: Base

follow the pictures

Step 2: Hieght Extension (optional)

creat as many as you want, then attach them to the base.(I used three)

Step 3: Top Section

make these pieces

Step 4: Construct Top Section

put together the top section

Step 5: Construct

not realy much of a step, just add on the top section

Step 6: Setup the Target

put the paper your going to use as a target inbetween the yellow/grey connectors and put the yellow rods through the paper.

then push the white rods on the lower part of the top section through the paper. attach orange/black connectors to secure it.

Step 7: Finished!!

your done!! have fun playing target practice!! i've added a picture of my rifle im working on, should I post it??