Introduction: [blog 2006-03-17] Instructables News

About: Instructables Administrator

We really hit a nerve somewhere. You wouldn't believe how many people are looking at your Instructables projects even if I told you. In just 6 months on the web, Instructables is now by far the most popular site for showing how you make stuff. Thanks to all of you that posted a project or a comment. Want to show the world how you made your next project? Instructable-ize it!

What's next for Instructables? We've spent the last month working hard to improve our server capacity and reliability, just to keep up with the massive increase in visitors. Things are under control for now and we're back to fixing bugs and adding features. Your feedback has been wonderful and we're working on a lot of user-suggested improvements (as well as tons of our own!). What is the future for Instructables? Our dream is true open source development of "stuff". We've seen the tremendous impact of open source software, and we want to bring that to the world of physical objects. The current tools you see on Instructables are just the first piece of a much larger set we are working on which will make this happen.

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