Introduction: [A Cheaper Way To] Play Videos From Your Ipod on the BIG[er] SCREEN!!!

About: Cool, another box!

After I saw the sat instructable that basically told you to buy some stuff, I had to share this with the world, it uses a 3.5mm AV jack (standard if you own a Digital Video camera or DV camera) with a couple of the plugs reversed.


:: An iPod Video
:: An AV-RCA cable with a 3.5mm head
:: A TV
:: Half a Brain

Step 1: Enable TV Output

Under the TV output settings, just make sure it says "Ask" Instead of "Off"

So when you select a video, the screen in the second picture will pop up.

Step 2: Get the RCA Cable

Got it ?

Step 3: Plug It In, Plug It In!

Now comes the tricky part, you have to plug the headphone jack end ALL THE WAY IN to your ipod.

The even trickier part is actually plugging in the RCA cables, just follow the diagram on picture 2,

The Red cable goes in the Yellow hole,
The white cable goes in the Red hole
The Yellow Cable goes in the White hole

Easy Huh?

Step 4: All Done,

Now go to the movies option in the main menu, find a movie that you want to watch, and select TV ON from the little menu we talked about earlier.

Step 5: DONE!!!!

Now you can finally enjoy your little movies on the big(ger) screen!