Introduction: ... for Dummies Book Cover
This instructables will teach you how to make your very own "... for dummies" book cover. I did not make this site, nor do I endorse it. I take no credit, I'm just a guy showing you something cool someone else made.
Step 1: Ready? Set... Go!
Start by clicking here or going to:
Step 2: Fill in the Form/boxes
Fill in the form, and in real time, your "for dummies book will be created below.
Step 3:
Copy and Paste the html code... or simply take a screen shot. On a mac, simply press command-shift-4, and a + sign will appear. Drag an area you'd like to capture (in this case the book) or on a PC (If there's any other way, please let me know :) ), Click "Print Screen" it'll save the screen to your clip board, and you can crop it in MS Paint, or another photo-editing program.
Step 4:
Thank you for taking the time to read this instructable, If you have any constructive criticism, feedback or compliments, I'd be overwhelmed with happiness (sorta) if you commented below.