Introduction: 1-up/super Mushroom Bike Helmet
This a way to make an old bike helmet into a 1-up or any other kind of mushroom you like.
Step 1: Materials
Old bike helmet
Large and small paint brushes
White paint
Color choice paint(I'm making a super mushroom, so I'm using red)
Spray on gloss finish(optional)
Plastic ring(I made mine out of a peanut butter jar, it was perfect size)
Paint can opener
Large and small paint brushes
White paint
Color choice paint(I'm making a super mushroom, so I'm using red)
Spray on gloss finish(optional)
Plastic ring(I made mine out of a peanut butter jar, it was perfect size)
Paint can opener
Step 2: Prepair the Helmet
First, remove any unwanted stickers on the helmet. Then sand the helmet so the paint stays on. After, remove the foam on the inside(the helmet I used was very old, so you might no be able to remove the foam. If you can't its not that big of a deal).
Step 3: First Coat
Start painting the helmet using the large brush. Once the whole outside is done, look inside and clean out any paint that went through the holes. Now find something to sit in on. I used a large coffee can and that worked great.
Step 4: Next Coat
Now just add as many coats of paint as you would like. I am only going to do two coats.
Step 5: Paint the Circles
Find a spot to make the circles. Take your small paint brush and paint inside of the plastic ring. Paint will drip down the sides so always have paper towels ready, also don't worry about dripping too much, you can always use the red and paint over it again. I would also recommend only painting one or two circle at a time. After you paint them all wait about an hour for them to dry a little.
Step 6: Touch Up
Use the small brush again to completely fill the circles in. You may want to do this multiply times. Let this completely dry.
Step 7: Touch Up Agian
This time we are going to touch up the red. Use your large paint brush again and paint over any of the drip paint and parts that chipped off. Let this completely dry.
Step 8: Finish It
Now just put the foam back in the helmet. And if you have it, spray the helmet with the gloss finish.
Step 9: You're Done
You now have a super mushroom bike helmet.