Introduction: 1 Watt Led Driver

About: I am a student of BSCS but I'm interested in electronics that's why I would like to think about innovative ideas and try to build my ideas into reality and i also interested in making a robots. email id: degen…

Hello! friends

Welcome to my another 1 watt led driver project. It's simple and easy to build. I just found a 1 watt led driver circuit diagram on internet and i build it because it's helpful for me.

So let's get started.

Step 1: Circuit Diagram

With the help of this diagram we can build our own 1 watt led driver circuit just follow the steps.

Step 2: Materials

You'll need

Splitter box

Piece of veroboard

Soldering iron with solder

Some piece of wires

1 watt led

Diodes: 1n4007 x4

Resistors: 1m, 10ohm x 3

Capacitors: 1uf/400v, 4.7uf/250v x 2 and 100uf/50v

Step 3: Front and Rear View

Cut the piece of veroboard according to the size of splitter box. Place the components on veroboard according to the circuit diagram and then soldering it very carefully.

Step 4: Finish

Now fit your circuit into the splitter box and now your 1 watt led driver is ready to use.

I hope you guys like it.
