Introduction: 10 Minute Tube Dress

About: Former Instructables employee CHECK OUT MY WORK
Learn how to make a fun Tube Dress in 10 minutes!  Its a great dress for going out and it also works as a simply base for a halloween costume.  And the best part is the materials cost less than $10!

Step 1: Materials

  • Lycra Fabric (or any stretch spandex fabric) - 29" length x 25" width for a size small, increase the width size to adjust for size.
  • Steam-A-Seam - this stuff is so easy to use and will finish your hems quickly
  • Sewing Machine or Serger - i sewed the main seam together instead of using the steam-a-seam because there will be a lot of stress on this seam unlike the hem
  • Iron
  • Mark-B-Gone Pen
  • Measuring Tape
  • Scissors
  • Pins

Step 2: Cut Pattern

First figure out which direction the fabric stretches.  You want the width of the fabric to stretch in this direction because it will stretch across your body (horizontally).  See image notes for clarification

Width = 25", this will change depending on your size, this works for a size extra small and small, increase to adjust for size.
Height = 29", this will change depending on your height.  This would work for someone in the 5' 2" to 5' 7" range.

Step 3: Sew Seam

Since the fabric is stretchy you don't need to adjust for curves in your body.  I specifically measured the width of the fabric to be small so it would stretch around all my body. 

THUS, just fold the fabric in half along the width (so it is 12.5" x 29" OR 1/2w x h) and pin the edges together in a straight line.

I used a serger to sew the edge together.  You can also use a sewing machine - make sure you use a stitch that works for stretchy fabrics.

Step 4: Fuse Hem

Steam-A-Seam is a really quick way to finish your hem w/o sewing.  I didn't use this for the side seam because there will be a lot of force stretching the seam apart and this is not strong enough to deal with that.

STEPS (for top and bottom edge):
  • Turn fabric inside out
  • Fold edge over 1/2"
  • Iron edge down so you have a crease in the fabric.  This marks where the steam-a-seam will be laid down.
  • Place the steam-a-seam right up along the crease you created with the iron.  Follow the directions on the steam-a-seam box.
Once you have done both edges the dress should be good to go!