Introduction: 10x10 LED Matrix

This ten by ten matrix will be able to display cool animations!


You will need...

1. 24" x 24" x 1" wood board x2 (one for the base one for the top to hold the acrylic

2. 24" x 2" x 1" Wood frame in length

3.22" x 2" x 1" Wood frame in width

4. Arduino Nano or UNO

5. 24" x 24" acrylic glass (semi-transparent to diffuse the LEDs)

6. A large piece of foam board around 3/16" in thickness

7. A 5V 2A power supply to drive the LEDs

8. A spare USB charger you're willing to sacrifice

9. 100 Addressable 5050 RGB LEDs

Here are some links to the majority of the parts:

24x24 Base:

Wood Frame:


Acrylic Glass:

Foam Board: (Should be able to find this at any dollarama)

Wood $33 (including cuts)

LEDs $20

Foam Board $4

Glass $35

Total: $92

Step 1: Assemble the Wood Frame

Screw the wood pieces to the main body of the frame.

Have the 2"x1" pieces facing upwards (long side to you) on all four sides.

Put 2 to 4 screws per piece on the frame.

Step 2: Figure Out What Array You'd Like to Use and Make It

I personally chose a 10 x 10 array, I used the foam board to create an array based off my model I showed in Step 1.

Step 3: Solder / Cut Your LEDs.

I bought 100 ws2812b SMD RGB LEDs for $19.99 which turned out to be a terrible idea considering I could have just bought a strip and then cut and solder where I needed to. Instead, I ended up having to solder all 100 LEDs (each with 6 contact points). I recommend getting a strip a cutting everything to length. Since my array was 24x24" there weren't many strips I could get that would fit exactly 10 LEDs within 24".

Your LEDs should have a 5v or 12v pin, a data pin, and a GND pin.

Step 4: Begin to Add the Strip to the Array

What you want to do is add the LEDs in a zig-zag pattern.

- - - - - - - - - >

< - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - >

< - - - - - - - - -

After you want to put the array on top of the LEDs, make sure they're nearly flush with the bottom or else too much light may be able to leak through.

When powering the LED since 1 of them takes 60mA it's only safe to power around 8 on an Arduino UNO. If you plan on making a big array, a separate power supply is a good idea as it can save your Arduino from getting fried.

Step 5: Programming

For my first code with this array


#define NUM_LEDS 100

#define DATA_PIN 5


void setup() {

FastLED.addLeds(leds, NUM_LEDS);


void loop() {

for(int dot = 0; dot < NUM_LEDS; dot++) {

leds[dot] = CHSV(random8(),255,255);;

leds[dot] = CRGB::Black;




This code blinks every light in a snake light pattern, you can use it while wiring to see what LEDs might not be connected.

Step 6: Add the Acrylic and Enjoy the Light Show!

The acrylic will help diffuse the light evenly so when you are happy with how your array looks you can add it on. For other programs and animations on matrix's, search up Jinx, LED Matrix Control, or Glediator. Thanks for listening!