Introduction: 128x64 OLED Display With Arduino

About: A young scripter that loves helping others achieve things i achieve.


Today I will be teaching you how to interface a 128x64 display with Arduino!

Step 1: Parts

Components you will need:

Arduino Board (i used a nano v3)

128x64 Display

Small Breadboard


You will also need:

Mico USB Cable (if you're using a nano v3)

Something to script with

Arduino 1.6.1

Step 2: Wiring

What you will need:

4 Wires (Red Blue and 2 Green)



Connect red to VCC

Connect blue to GND

Connect the green wires to SCL and SDA



Connect SCL to A5

Connect SDA to A4

Connect GND to GND

Connect VCC to 3v3

Step 3: The Code

To get the result, please download the sample source code attached below and upload it into Arduino.

*Kindly download the U8glib library which is written for many types of LCD display.

Step 4: Enjoy!

Enjoy your new Display!

if you have any questions or comments, please state them below.

Thanks, and happy coding!