Introduction: 14x USB Charging Hub!

About: I am an electrical repair tech by day and an engineer by night, after work or free time.
I present to you a 14x USB charging hub!
It can charge up to 14 usb dependent devices all at once and I will show you how to make one! It isnt all that hard to make and it has proven to be a very nice build. 

Why did I make it?
I have quite a bit of usb devices in which I use to charge using a few crazy methods. One method I used was a power strip and several usb chargers, one for each device, now while that works just fine I was taking up a lot of space on one power strip, which could have been better used. Another method is I would plug in all my devices throughout the house while using several outlets. That was the most annoying method. To save myself from insanity I decided to tackle this issue head on. which resulted in this 14x usb port hub. I dont even have 14 devices, so why 14 ports? I am not the only one in the house who needs to charge their devices, my brother for example, always misplaces his charger, a common issue Im sure, and he is often indeed of charging. As well as my girlfriend and my friends. So not only do I use it but it also comes in handy with those who visit. And since its size is rather big it is kinda hard to misplace.

But does it work?
Define work. If you are asking if it charges usb devices 100 percent then yes, it does work. 
Does it charge 14 devices as fast as one device on one usb charger? No. Now let me explain why. I used a few chargers to make this. all the phone chargers are ran in parallel. All the chargers recieve 120volts ac and converts it into the 5volts dc that is required to charge a usb device. Now each phone charger has a certain amount of usb ports at the chargers outputs, and this is what causes a slower charge time. For example, I dedicated two usb ports to charge apple devices, one charger two ports. And the charger that is being used for the apple devices outputs a max current of 400-500 mah. If one ipod charges in one hour on a standard usb charger rated at the same values then two devices would double the charge time. If you plugged in two devices of the same vaules in the apple ports then it would charge in two hours (roughly) simply because you are dividing the current by the amount of devices used. So  lets say you are charging two ipods from the apple ports, each ipod would be recieving 250mah max. at 5volts. Now for me charge time really isnt an issue because I charge all my devices when I sleep. So when and if you make this project you will need to choose your chargers very wisely. Use ones with higher output values. I used the 500 mah for the apple simply because my girlfriend is the only one i know with an ipod or any apple device for that matter. Aside from the 500mah charger I used chargers rated at 700mah-2.0+ amps. 

what if I want to charge all my devices at the same current?  

Design a circuit that will perform as desired! Personally I didnt see this as much of an issue and after a few weeks or so using it I still dont see it as an issue. 

If you are in need of a mega USB charging hub then please lets get started! :)

In the botom right picture you will see the hub being used! I am charging a galaxy note, an android phone, bluetooth speaker, a cellphone battery using a special adapter and my solar/acdc portable phone charger. Also I am powering my xbox controller just to show it works. So 6 devices are being charged. 

Step 1: Gather the Things Needed.

you will need
a few phone chargers with a high current output. I found the older ones to have a bigger output.
a perfboard
14 usb ports
4 130 ohm resistors (for usb data+ - for the two ports dedicated to apple devices)((the resistors are needed for apple))
1 180 ohm resistor and green led ( power indicator)
1 project box and tools such as dremel, soldering iron, hotglue, yada yada yada
(all things needed not in pictures)

Step 2: Preparing the Chargers and Usb Ports.

Take apart the chargers and run the power supply input (110-120ac) all in parallel. this can be done by soldering all the positives and all the negatives together. I used chargers that have reverse polarity protection.
depending on the current output divide up the usb ports. I used 2 usb ports on the 500mah charger dedicated to apple.
3 usb ports for  the 700mah charger, 5 usb ports for a 2.7amp charger and 4 usb ports on another 800-900mah charger. 

(In the picture of the 2.7amp you will see 6 usb ports. I accidentaly soldered that one with out knowing and later replaced it with the green led+180 ohm resistor)

I used perf board to assemble the usb port connections, I recommend doing the same. It also helps when placing the ports in the project box.

steps for using perf board
1- cut the perf board so there are atleast four holes in width and about an 1 1/2 in. long. 
2- insert usb ports and solder wires to the + and - pins. wires should be about 6 inched long, so you have enough room to work with. 
3- if you are making usb ports for apple devices solder one 130 ohm resistor to the data+ and another 130 ohm to the data - pins. Ground the resistors. This helps trick the device into thinking it is being charged by a computer or apple charger.

After all the usb ports are soldered to the charge circuit then solder all the charge circuits ac input together in parallel. after they are soldered then solder a new ac cord. Then insulate everything.

Step 3: Wiring Diagram/schematic

I wouldnt really call this a schematic but anyways here is a diagram of how everything should be connected

sorry, its a little sloppy.

Step 4: To the Box!

we will now be moving all the circuitry to the project box. follow these steps in order

step 1- cut a hole for the ac cord to run through
step2- trace the lid of the project box on a piece of paper then draw the usb cut outs, this will help with an acurate usb hole placement
step3- place the paper over the lid and color in the holes onto the lid
step4- cut out the holes using a dremel.
step 5-drill small hole for led
step 6-mount led
step 7- hot glue every usb port into place.
 step 8- hotglue the circuits down then close up the box

Step 5: DONE

all finished!if you have any questions feel free to ask! enjoy charging all your devices in one area! at the same time!!